Many men take pride in showing off their luscious locks. It’s because men’s hair can make (or break) a fashion ensemble. Hence, understanding common hair problems and knowing how to treat them become valuable knowledge in ensuring your hair looks and feels the best, and as clean and as good-looking as possible.

1. Dandruff

Did you ever feel like it’s snowing, but it’s in the middle of the summer?  Perhaps, it’s not sudden snow, but dandruff flakes falling from your scalp that is spreading across your immediate vicinity.

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems experienced by many men. It’s a condition caused by several factors, including an irritated scalp, poor hair care habits, and sensitivity to certain products.

Furthermore, dandruff can happen in different parts of the body, including your beard. Consider using separate hair care products for the hair on your head and beard if you have beard dandruff or ‘beardruff.’ It’s because these items tend to have different formulas, and mixing one with the other may cause dandruff and other issues.

Another way to beat dandruff is to change your diet. Eat foods high in antioxidants to fight off free radicals that may cause harm to your skin. Free radicals are a byproduct of an oxidative process in your body. These substances can appear from exposure to environmental irritants and toxins, which may cause dandruff and the hastening of skin ageing signs.

2. Hair Loss

Hair loss in men can be problematic and embarrassing, especially if you think you can’t rock the bald look. However, the first step to preventing hair loss is to learn more about its causes.

Perhaps, the most common type of hair loss in men is androgenic alopecia, an inherited form of alopecia caused by the body’s hormonal activity. It tends to be more common in men than in women. If saying androgenic alopecia seems to be a mouthful, you can also call it its other name: male pattern baldness.

It’s a genetic disease caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which binds to hair follicles. DHT tends to come from male hormones, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s important to note that men aren’t the only individuals who can become affected by this condition as women can also develop it.

Hair restoration surgery is often the first step to stopping hair loss. This option tends to be quite expensive, which means it’s not a feasible solution for all men experiencing hair loss. Still, hair loss in men is often treatable, as long you can detect it in its early stages. So, a trip to the doctor will help you gain clarity about the cause and potential treatment for this particular hair issue.

PRP Hair Loss Treatments located in Brisbane are becoming more popular says Hair and Skin Science, by using your own blood platelets hair regrowth is stimulated.

4 Common Hair Problems In Men And How To Treat Them

3. Split Ends

If your hair becomes brittle, dry, and frayed, these hair issues might lead to another concern—split ends. As its name implies, the ends of your hair follicles split, making it more challenging than usual to groom your locks. But, men with longer hair tend to experience this issue more than those with shorter hair.

Nonetheless, several different ways exist to treat this issue. Some people prefer to use herbs, while others prefer to use organic cream or shampoo. Regardless of what you choose to use, you’ll want to take it slow because you want to make sure you’re using a treatment that works. You don’t want to rush this process. Being hasty may only make the problem worse than before.

Also, following proper hair care protocols may help prevent split ends. For instance, you should always remember to only wash your hair with lukewarm water, especially if you’re not a fan of showering with cold water.

Although it might be comforting to shower or bathe in hot water, your hair will only suffer from extreme temperatures. Also, consider not washing your hair every day. Your hair still needs the production of its natural oils for self-healing. Washing your hair every day may reduce these natural oils, causing your locks to experience split ends and other issues.

4. Oily/Greasy Hair

Overactive oil glands are often contributing factors to oily hair in men. Diet, often running your fingers through your head, and constant hair brushing may also lead to oily or greasy hair.

You’ll know if you have this issue if your locks look shiny, even though you didn’t apply any hair care products on it. Also, your hair feels greasy as if someone smothered it with oil.

Prevent overactive oil glands in your scalp by using an oil-free scalp shampoo. This product tends to include surfactants that help thoroughly cleanse the scalp. Some shampoos also contain astringent ingredients to help close the sebaceous glands.


Dandruff, hair loss, split ends, and oily hair is among the common hair problems experienced by many men. Understanding the causes of these issues and knowing the right treatments may help you save your valuable locks from being ruined. Hopefully, this guide helped you learn about these men’s hair concerns and their relative solutions.