Murdock’s Barbers – Facials For Men

When presented with a gift certificate for an “express facial” for Murdock’s I was apprehensive to say the least, but I thought may as well give it a go. Registering and booking online is straight forward so you can book anytime. I had briefly visited Murdock at Liberty’s just passing through so I knew it was a traditional Barbers, however, Murdock’s Covent Garden is its own barbers outright with a great feel to it.

Introduced to my Barber Chris I was even more apprehensive, Chris is a big beardy, tattooed guy, so the idea of this guy exfoliating my face was a little bizarre. However I was soon offered a beer and put at ease, Chris explained the steps of Murdock’s express facial to me and then commenced the process.

Why Pay the Professionals?

Checking the temperature and comfort throughout Chris ensured that I was enjoying my experience, ensuring that towels were the right temp, everything felt OK, even checking my headphones wouldn’t get damaged under the hot towel.

When I finished Chris questioned what scents I normally wear e.g. sweet, woody, tobacco, etc. spraying me with my chosen selection. Overall the treatment was amazing, I left feeling revitalised and relaxed. Meeting up with friends who I had been within the day I was told I looked noticeably better and smelt amazing.

Would I recommend this treatment to a friend? You bet I would, meeting up with friends after I was immediately questioned about my treatment, including girls asking would Murdock’s see Women customers. I look forward to trying out Murdock’s other services as well as purchasing the products used on this visit.

Ricki Hall Uses Murdock London

One of the most famous customers of Murdock London is up and coming tattoo and bearded model Ricki Hall. MenStyleFashion has done an extensive interview with Ricki Hall that I have included in this article.

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