Long Hair is back for men - 2013

Long Hair

I adore men with long hair and I can’t help but notice that the catwalk does too. So, how do you know what length of hair looks good on you? And, how do you properly care for long hair?

In the 1950’s and 60’s, men in the United States began to grow their hair long as a form of self-expression and rebellion against the old traditions of the previous generations. Today, long hair is about more than making a stand against the establishment and can be found on a variety of people, from college students to businessmen.

For men who have chosen, or are thinking about, the long-hair lifestyle; the demands of caring for longer locks can often seem overwhelming. But with the right hair-care routine, any man can manage long hair without too much fuss or trouble. Send the right message and keep – what some consider to be – your most valuable accessory, looking its best with these top hygiene tips for men with long hair.

Don’t Fight Nature

When you start growing long hair, it can feel extremely unnatural and leave you feeling frustrated. This is especially true during that in-between stage, where your hair is falling in your face and is just too short to tie back but just long enough that it can be annoying. Part of the problem is that many guys have never had to think much about their hair type and how it impacts their grooming routine. While short hair tends to hide variations in hair type, longer hair forces you to confront Mother Nature head on. If you try to force your hair into a style that doesn’t reflect its natural texture and growth patterns, expect to devote countless hours to styling each week. The same goes for using products not suited to your hair type.

Men with fine or thin hair should stick to slightly shorter lengths to keep hair from looking too weighed down and flat. For fine hair; longer lengths tend to drag down the volume, which can leave hair looking dull. Above all, keep hair care products away from your roots to avoid that greasy, unwashed look.

Men with thick or course hair can and should look for longer, mid-length styles that add weight and a bit of control. If your hair is curly or frizzy, stick with longer cuts to weigh hair down and keep the hair volume at a happy medium. The thicker or curlier your hair, the more the amount product you should use to keep your hair manageable varies. It’s all down to trial and error.

Get a Haircut Regularly

The right cut can also add body and volume to hair that’s weighted down. Have the hair-stylist cut away bulky or thick layers, to tame curly or wavy styles. For those with thin or fine hair, a few added layers around the face can lighten up and add body to your look also eliminating ‘flat-head syndrome’. Men who experience thinning or balding can benefit the most from a simple cut. Eliminate some length and gain much-needed volume to conceal hair that’s thinning on top.

Remember: don’t be a slave to the ponytail. Maintain regular hair-cuts and show your style without losing your long hair to the laziness of just “throwing it into a ponytail”.

Use Conditioner

Once you’ve finished shampooing, it’s time to utilize the conditioner. I know that for some men, previously with shorter hair, the word conditioner is one associated with unicorns and fairies – but it is a real thing and is so important to the maintenance of long hair! While men tend to skip this step, conditioner is a must for long hair to sustain softness and keep tangles at bay. To keep conditioner from flattening out volume, make sure to apply it to the ends of your hair only, and steer clear of your roots. Conditioner applied to the roots can make your hair look greasy! Leave the conditioner in for a few minutes to work its magic, then rinse clean using cold water for added shine. If your hair gets unmanageable between shampoos, try rinsing with cold water, and conditioning every day to maintain control over your tresses. Different products are suited to and created for different hair types! Conditioner is no different, use a conditioner directed for your type of hair.

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