Insurance & Finance Archives - Men Style Fashion We Show You How Tue, 11 Jul 2023 13:32:26 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 The Financial Impact of Car Accidents on Victims and Their Families Tue, 11 Jul 2023 13:32:26 +0000 This original article was first published here: The Financial Impact of Car Accidents on Victims and Their Families

Every day, you drive along Miami’s congested roadways to get to work, take the kids to school, run errands, and more. You don’t think about the dangers of distracted drivers as you go about your day until one of them crashes into you.  When that happens, you will likely sustain more than physical impacts. It […]

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This original article was first published here: The Financial Impact of Car Accidents on Victims and Their Families

Every day, you drive along Miami’s congested roadways to get to work, take the kids to school, run errands, and more. You don’t think about the dangers of distracted drivers as you go about your day until one of them crashes into you. 

When that happens, you will likely sustain more than physical impacts. It will affect your financial situation as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the financial costs of car accidents on American families totalled $340 billion in 2019. 

The consequences of a car crash caused by a careless person go much further than you may think. For some that had a comfortable life, their finances may be spread thin. For those that were already struggling, it could mean a dire financial situation. 

How Car Crashes Impose Financial Hardships on Families

According to Nuñez Law, P.L., devastating injuries in a car accident aren’t the only reasons why a victim’s family will suffer financial hardship. Car accidents are costly and can eat away at a family’s savings if they had any money put away. Take a closer look at some of the costs that car accident victims must deal with in the aftermath. 

Medical Bills

If you’ve sustained a serious injury, you will have a mountain of medical bills. You may need several surgeries before you can begin healing and require physical therapy. 

Lost Wages

After a car accident, you may be unable to work in the short-term or long term. You lose precious income that goes toward paying your bills and other household expenses, which may now incur late fees because you can’t pay them. 

Travel Expenses

Now that a careless driver has upended your life, you need to spend your days going to and from the hospital, doctor’s appointments, and physical therapy. You have to pay for gas plus any parking fees. 

Food Expenses

You may be unable to shop for food for your family or prepare meals. Perhaps some friends and family have brought food as a kind gesture. Still, often, car accident victims and their families are left strapped for cash as they grab whatever is available to them from anywhere they can. 

Home Modifications

You may be disabled after your injuries, making it difficult or impossible to get around your home. Modifications may be necessary to accommodate a wheelchair or other accessibility features, all of which are extremely costly. 

This is just a small slice of the financial hardships Miami car accident victims must endure. You’ll also have property damage and other medical expenses, such as prescriptions to manage your pain. You and your family may need additional support to cope with the emotional trauma after your crash. 

How Accident Victims and Their Families Can Recover Financially

Car accidents cause physical, psychological, and financial suffering for the victims and their families. You won’t fully know the expenses you will incur until you are thrust into this situation. Insurance companies won’t cover everything or will offer a settlement much lower than what you need to get your finances back to what they were before the accident. 

The financial hurdles that many car accident victims encounter can make daily life hard for the entire family. You may now be unable to pay your bills because of unexpected expenses. You might not have any income coming in because you’re the primary breadwinner for your family. If you are living paycheck to paycheck like the majority of Americans today, the financial impacts that a negligent driver caused are going to affect how you’ll pay your rent, electric bill, phone bill, and other household expenses. 

For these reasons, it is imperative that you speak with a car accident attorney. You should know your rights and have someone to help you recover your financial losses. It’s not fair that your life has been turned upside down by a careless driver, and even more unfair that your whole family is suffering too. 

Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning there are no upfront costs. Quite often, they can get you much more compensation than you could by trying to handle things on your own.

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7 Costly Auto Insurance Mistakes You Might Be Making Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:12:32 +0000 This original article was first published here: 7 Costly Auto Insurance Mistakes You Might Be Making

As a luxury automobile owner, you understand that driving is an experience. It’s not just about getting from Point A to Point B. It’s about the journey and the destination. And your car is the perfect vessel for those experiences. But just as important as your car is your auto insurance. After all, you need […]

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This original article was first published here: 7 Costly Auto Insurance Mistakes You Might Be Making

As a luxury automobile owner, you understand that driving is an experience. It’s not just about getting from Point A to Point B. It’s about the journey and the destination. And your car is the perfect vessel for those experiences. But just as important as your car is your auto insurance. After all, you need to be able to enjoy your car without worrying about what might happen if something goes wrong. Allstate auto insurance is just one of the dozens of great companies looking for insurance coverage.

There are many ways you could be losing money on your insurance, and making the calls to fix that can be daunting, but you might make other, more costly mistakes without even realizing it. Here are seven of them:

Not Reviewing Your Policy Regularly

Reviewing your car insurance policy might not be the most exciting way to spend an afternoon, but ensuring that you’re adequately covered is essential. Think of it as a preventative measure- by taking the time to review your policy now, you can avoid potential problems down the road. And if reviewing your policy sounds about as fun as reading the terms and conditions for a new cell phone plan, don’t worry- we’ve put together a few tips to help make the process as painless as possible.

Failing to Shop Around

When was the last time you compared auto insurance rates? If it’s been a while, you could miss out on significant savings. Insurance companies are constantly competing for business and changing their rates to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

So, it pays to shop around and compare rates regularly. The process is relatively simple and only takes a few minutes. You need to get quotes from different companies and compare them side-by-side. Make sure you compare apples to apples in terms of coverage and deductibles. Once you find the best rate, switch companies and start saving. It’s that easy!

Not Taking Advantage of All the Discounts Available to You

Auto insurance companies offer a wide variety of discounts to their customers. But many people are unaware of all the discounts available to them. Be sure to ask your agent about any discounts you might be eligible for, such as a good driver discount, a multiple policy discount, or a safe driver training discount.

Good drivers and those who have taken a driver safety course are often eligible for a discount on their premium. You may also get a deal if you insure more than one vehicle with the same company. And some companies offer value to students who maintain good grades.

Paying Your Premium in Full

While it’s certainly convenient to pay your auto insurance premium in full, it might not be the best decision financially. Many insurance companies offer discounts for customers who pay their premiums in instalments. So, you might consider breaking up your payments to take advantage of this discount.

In addition, bearing in instalments can help you budget for your insurance costs over the year. If you have a limited disposable income, paying monthly or quarterly can help you spread the cost of your premium and avoid taking on too much debt. Whether to pay in whole or in instalments is a personal decision. But, it’s worth considering the benefits of making instalments if you want to save money on auto insurance.

Not Reading the Fine Print

Most people don’t think about their auto insurance until they have to use it. But by then, it may be too late to find out that your policy doesn’t cover what you need it to. That’s why it’s essential to take the time to read your policy and understand exactly what it covers. Otherwise, you could find yourself in a situation where you can’t get the help you need when you need it the most.

Insurance policies are complex documents, and there may be some provisions that you didn’t even know were there. By reading your policy carefully, you can ensure you are getting the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Insuring your car for its market value rather than its replacement value

The market value of your car is what you could sell it for today. But if you’re in an accident, your insurance company will only pay to replace it- not repair it. So, if your car is totalled, you might have to pay out of pocket to replace it. That’s why it’s important to insure your car’s replacement value, not its market value. Replacement value is the cost to replace your vehicle with a similar make, model, and year- without considering its depreciation.

In other words, it’s what it would cost to get back on the road with the exact car you had before the accident. And since most cars depreciate quickly, chances are good that the replacement value of your vehicle is higher than its market value. So, if you insure your car for its replacement value, you’ll be able to replace it if it’s totalled- even if that means paying out of pocket. And that’s peace of mind worth insuring.

Not having enough liability coverage.

Liability coverage is the part of your insurance policy that covers damage to other people’s property. And it’s required in most states. But the minimum liability coverage required is often not enough to fully protect you financially if you’re in an accident. Be sure to talk to your agent about how much liability coverage you need.

Auto insurance is an essential part of being a luxury car owner. You want to be able to enjoy your car without having to worry about what might happen if something goes wrong. But some common mistakes people make when it comes to their auto insurance. By knowing what those mistakes are, you can avoid them and save yourself a lot of money in the long run.

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Here’s What Happens When A Friend Crashes Your Car In An Accident Mon, 29 Aug 2022 19:17:38 +0000 This original article was first published here: Here’s What Happens When A Friend Crashes Your Car In An Accident

While you may believe your car insurance would cover you from accidents you are involved in, there are circumstances when your insurance coverage may be paying the bills for a friend’s driving mishap. Your car insurance normally covers drivers who are listed on your policy. This may include the majority of household members and “permissive […]

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This original article was first published here: Here’s What Happens When A Friend Crashes Your Car In An Accident

While you may believe your car insurance would cover you from accidents you are involved in, there are circumstances when your insurance coverage may be paying the bills for a friend’s driving mishap. Your car insurance normally covers drivers who are listed on your policy. This may include the majority of household members and “permissive users.” An individual who drives your automobile with your permission but isn’t mentioned on your insurance policy is a permissive user. This article provides a comprehensive guide on car accidents involving permissive users.

Who Is A Permissive User?

Giving someone permission to use your car under the terms of their auto insurance policy is known as permissive use. Permissive use, for instance, would be allowing a friend to borrow your car. Some permissive automobile insurance policies might only offer a restricted level of protection for such drivers or impose higher deductibles if a claim is filed. It’s possible that your friend’s auto insurance policy would cover any damages if your friend borrows your car and gets into an accident, but that’s not a given.

What To Do After Someone Else Crashes Your Car?

Even if you weren’t involved in a vehicle accident, it’s crucial to move swiftly after an accident. In the event of a personal injury accident, here’s what you should do:

Understand Your Coverage

Read your insurance thoroughly if a friend or other party is to blame for the collision. You might not be liable for damages if someone drove the car without your consent, such as when it was stolen. It might be challenging to demonstrate that you did not authorize anyone to use the vehicle.

File A Claim

It’s best to contact your insurance provider as soon as possible following the accident to be safe. Certain policies permit a refusal if a claim is not made immediately after an accident. Get the driver’s insurance details in case you need to claim it or your insurance company wants to seek compensation for the damages later.

Hire A Lawyer

The best course of action is to speak with auto accident lawyers near you. Because every auto accident is unique, your case may necessitate legal representation.

Experienced car accident lawyers ensure that you pursue damages if the person driving your car was not at fault for the collision. Even if you weren’t present when the accident happened, the at-fault motorist must pay for the damages. Your car probably sustained damage, and the person driving it might have been hurt.

Limitations On Permissive Use

Permissive use is normally only permitted in circumstances when the danger and liability are equivalent to your driving. The permissive usage principle does not apply in the following situations:

  • The vehicle is used on the job. For instance, permissive usage does not apply to any damages incurred if you lend your car to a friend who uses it as a rental car.
  • If an unskilled or unlicensed driver is given access to the car. The insurer will almost certainly decline coverage under permissive usage if the car driver does not have a valid license. The insurer may decline coverage on similar grounds if the person is inexperienced behind the wheel.

Determining Liability

You assume vicarious liability when you lend someone your car and are responsible for their acts. The owners’ culpability is often limited in states where owners are held accountable for another driver’s behavior. These restrictions don’t apply if you gave the other driver your car in a negligent manner. This typically indicates that you lent your car to an unauthorized driver or someone with a history of reckless driving.

Final Thoughts

Seek assistance if you need help understanding your auto insurance policy. Bring your policy to your insurance agent and ask them to go over the specifics of the policy, particularly about covered drivers and vehicles. Since insurance policies are difficult to understand, your insurance agent could significantly help you understand the policy.

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10 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer Tue, 12 Jul 2022 17:30:47 +0000 This original article was first published here: 10 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

The purpose of asking these important questions is to ensure that you hire someone who understands this very well. That would be best if you could find one who has dealt with car accident cases. It will also help you determine whether working with them might be worth the time and money. The following are […]

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This original article was first published here: 10 Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

The purpose of asking these important questions is to ensure that you hire someone who understands this very well. That would be best if you could find one who has dealt with car accident cases. It will also help you determine whether working with them might be worth the time and money. The following are the important questions to ask:

1. Have You Taken Similar Cases in the Past?

A good question about any potential lawyer is how many similar cases have they taken in the past? Knowledgeable and experienced car accident attorneys will tell you immediately that they are familiar with the local laws, court rules, procedures, and insurance company tactics. Also, a well-qualified attorney will disclose their experience level in handling these cases.

2. How Many Years of Experience Do You Have in Handling this Type of Case?

Asking this important question means you want to ensure that the individual has at least some experience dealing with this kind of case. As we mentioned above, there are different types of personal injury claims, and knowing which ones require special skill sets is very important. Without such training, even the most qualified lawyer may struggle with many aspects of such cases.

3. Are You Licensed?

It is important that the person you are considering as your car accident lawyer is licensed by the appropriate authority in the state where they practice. Most states have law licensing requirements, so only qualified attorneys can practice. Ask exactly what qualifications they possess.

4. How Long Will it Take to Resolve My Case?

Lawyers differ in terms of how fast they get things done. Some people need more time than others because of all the documentation that must be gathered before settling a claim. However, a great deal depends upon the complexity of the case, the defendant’s insurance coverage, and the number of other clients that have filed similar complaints against the same party.

5. What are the Potential Damages in My Case?

It would help if you considered getting estimates from several different professionals. For example, an auto accident attorney will often provide an estimate based on available information. At the same time, a medical doctor will likely have a better idea of what damages you sustained. These estimations are necessary because sometimes there can be confusion over precisely what was damaged and how badly. Getting different opinions will help clarify things for you.

6. How can I Improve the Odds of Success for My Case?

This is another crucial question to ask if the negligence of other drivers caused the accident. Insurance companies do everything they can to protect themselves when accidents occur, and one way is to settle quickly without providing sufficient compensation for injuries suffered. Having a strong legal team behind you is unlikely that this will happen to you. You should always check out every option before taking the first offer.

7. Can Your Office be Reached During the Day or Weekends?

When you retain a personal injury lawyer, you must be able to reach someone immediately if you have a problem or need advice. When you are injured, it can be easy to forget important details like names, phone numbers, and addresses. Having someone who works around the clock to answer calls and address your needs is key to ensuring that you obtain proper compensation.

8. Is There Any Fee or Deposit Needed to Begin Work?

In addition to working on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees until you win, many lawyers charge a down payment or retainer. Retainers are helpful because they inform you upfront that you will be charged for costs incurred during your representation. It also helps prevent surprises later on when work ends up being billed. Even though some firms don’t charge for the initial consultation, there may be occasions when you receive bills directly related to their services. Make sure to review these charges carefully.

9. How Many Cases Similar to Mine Have You Seen Settle Out of Court?

This is where you learn whether or not a particular firm has experience handling car accident claims. To build a reputation, attorneys may handle many cases with little success. They may even file lawsuits and then drop them after the plaintiff loses at trial. This can hurt their client base and damage their ability to represent you successfully. However, plenty of good lawyers out there take great pride in providing excellent service to their victims. You won’t find them if you don’t look.

10. Will You Be Working on My Case?

The last question you should ask before retaining an attorney is, “Will he or she be working on my case?” Every person involved in an auto accident deserves competent legal guidance. If the person responsible for causing your accident is found liable, you will want someone fighting for your rights. A solid legal team can save you money and time spent pursuing the matter yourself. Finding a reputable law office takes research. Importantly, you shouldn’t hire anyone unless you feel confident, that they will do the job right.

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How Do I Choose the Right Truck Accident Lawyer for My Case? Tue, 12 Jul 2022 17:22:53 +0000 This original article was first published here: How Do I Choose the Right Truck Accident Lawyer for My Case?

No one plans to deal with an accident let alone when they drive a truck. If you find yourself in an accident and need to take the situation to court, you must find an ideal accident lawyer to help you. If you don’t know how to find the right lawyer to help you, make sure […]

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This original article was first published here: How Do I Choose the Right Truck Accident Lawyer for My Case?

No one plans to deal with an accident let alone when they drive a truck. If you find yourself in an accident and need to take the situation to court, you must find an ideal accident lawyer to help you. If you don’t know how to find the right lawyer to help you, make sure you go through some key points for additional assistance.

Look Into Your Options

If you plan to pick out a truck accident lawyer for your situation, you need to look into the options available and select a lawyer. Doing so will help you identify the best lawyers in the area to assist as you get through your accident while covering your bases to ensure you get through the situation.

For example, you can hop online and see if you have any lawyers near you who can help with the situation. Finding a local lawyer matters since the one you choose must have a license for your state. Otherwise, the lawyer can’t help you with any specific local laws you must remember as you go through your truck accident case.

Do Your Research

On top of finding lawyers in your area, you need to do some research on the options available. For example, you should look into the law firms, see what they specialize in and find the ideal lawyer for you. For example, a law firm could be the best in the area, but if they only work with criminal cases, they can’t help you with your situation.

You need to understand what the law firm offers to help you pick the best option for your situation. Once you narrow down your options, you can look into their reviews to find solid firms. Since you have plenty of lawyers near you, you need an easy way to narrow the options.

Talk with the Lawyers

Once you find a few lawyers who you want to work with concerning your case, you must discuss the situation with those lawyers. You won’t know if a lawyer will work well for you until you communicate with them. After all, if you don’t get along with your lawyer, you’ll struggle to communicate and succeed once you enter the courtroom together.

As you talk with a lawyer, you can ask some key questions to help you understand what they offer. From there, you can make an informed decision as you figure out which lawyer will help you with your case. It never hurts to talk with people and get a feel for them to help you with the process.


Finding the right accident lawyer for your truck will help you defend yourself in court and seek the results you want. Make sure you find the best choice available to increase your odds of success if you have a solid case behind you. As you do so, you can win the upcoming trial and end up in a favorable position despite the crash.

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4 Unusual Cryptocurrencies You Might Want to Invest In Fri, 24 Jun 2022 07:24:35 +0000 This original article was first published here: 4 Unusual Cryptocurrencies You Might Want to Invest In

Cryptocurrencies have been making headlines due to their increasing value and the increased amounts of money being poured into these virtual currencies. Even though virtual currencies such as Bitcoin have their unique value proposition, many believe they are simply a passing phase for traditional currencies. While this might not be true for all cryptocurrencies, most […]

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This original article was first published here: 4 Unusual Cryptocurrencies You Might Want to Invest In

Cryptocurrencies have been making headlines due to their increasing value and the increased amounts of money being poured into these virtual currencies. Even though virtual currencies such as Bitcoin have their unique value proposition, many believe they are simply a passing phase for traditional currencies.

While this might not be true for all cryptocurrencies, most of them can be classified as being centralized and therefore prone to scams and frauds. In light of this, you should exercise caution before investing your money in cryptocurrency.

Here we look at some of the more unusual digital currencies you may want to invest in.

Can You Buy Crypto Using Your Credit Card

While there are numerous ways to buy cryptocurrencies, one of the most convenient methods is using a credit card. Credit cards offer a quick and easy way to purchase cryptocurrencies and can be used at many different exchanges and online platforms.

There are some risks associated with using a credit card to buy crypto. For one, the prices of cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, and you may lose money if your asset’s value decreases.

Some credit card companies may charge high fees for crypto purchases, so it is important to compare shops before using this method. Overall, using a credit card to buy cryptocurrency can be a convenient and fast option, but be aware of the potential risks involved.

1. Syscoin (SYS)

(SYS). Syscoin is a blockchain-based platform that enables the creation of decentralized markets and provides various services. Unlike some other cryptocurrencies, Syscoin is not focused on anonymity and instead emphasizes security and compliance.

This makes it an attractive option for businesses and organizations who want to use blockchain technology but are concerned about meeting regulatory requirements. As a result, Syscoin could see increased adoption in the coming years, making it a wise investment choice.

2. Golem (GNT)

Golem is a decentralized supercomputer that anyone can access. It’s powered by the combined computing power of users’ computers, which can be from anywhere in the world. The Golem network is decentralized, which means that no single entity has control over it. This makes it very resistant to censorship and fraud.

The Golem network is also very scalable. It can grow to meet demand as more and more users join it. Golem is still in development and is not yet available for use. However, you can buy its native token, GNT, on exchanges such as Binance and Kucoin. GNT is an ERC20 token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain.

When Golem launches, users can use GNT to pay for computing power on the network. You can also earn GNT by providing your computing power. Golem is a very ambitious project. If it succeeds, it could become the go-to platform for distributed computing. This makes it an excellent long-term investment.

3. Augur (REP)

Augur is a decentralized oracle and prediction market protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to create markets for any event, and anyone can buy or sell shares in the outcome of these events.

The price of these shares is determined by the collective expectations of the market participants. So Augur can be used to predict the likelihood of anything from sports results to the weather.

Augur also has a built-in decentralized dispute resolution system, allowing markets to be resolved even if there is disagreement among the participants. This makes it a unique and intriguing option for investing in cryptocurrency.

4. Iconomi (ICN)

Iconomi (ICN) is a digital asset management platform that offers various services for cryptocurrency investors. One of the unique features of ICN is its use of “smart contracts” to automatically invest and divest funds according to predetermined criteria.

This allows investors to set up their portfolios with little or no involvement and take advantage of market opportunities.

Iconomi provides various tools and resources to help investors manage their portfolios effectively. As a result, it has become a popular choice for both casual and experienced investors alike. If you’re looking for an unusual cryptocurrency to invest in, Iconomi may be a good option to consider.

The above are some of the most unusual cryptocurrencies you may want to invest in. While some may seem like a good investment, be careful before making any significant moves for these cryptocurrencies. Stay informed and follow the news related to these cryptocurrencies to stay updated on potential investment opportunities.

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Living Lavish for Less – Best Tips for Insuring a Luxury Vehicle Fri, 08 Apr 2022 16:48:30 +0000 This original article was first published here: Living Lavish for Less – Best Tips for Insuring a Luxury Vehicle

If you own a luxury vehicle, you know that it is important to protect your investment. Unfortunately, many people do not have the money to insure their car at a rate that matches its value. However, there are ways to get affordable luxury car insurance. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the […]

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This original article was first published here: Living Lavish for Less – Best Tips for Insuring a Luxury Vehicle

If you own a luxury vehicle, you know that it is important to protect your investment. Unfortunately, many people do not have the money to insure their car at a rate that matches its value. However, there are ways to get affordable luxury car insurance. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best tips for insuring a luxury car without breaking the bank!

Choose A Cost-Efficient Vehicle

Some luxury brands are more affordable than others.  For example, a Bentley will cost more to insure than a BMW because it is a more expensive car. The cost of maintenance, repairs, and gas are also factors that play into how much your insurance will cost.

Consider an Electric Car

Tesla Model X 100D Review

Electric cars are not only better for the environment, but they also often cost less to insure. This is because they are less likely to be stolen due to their limited range and safety features. They also cost less to repair.

Shop Around

One of the best ways to get affordable luxury car insurance is to shop around. There are a variety of insurers out there who specialize in insuring high-end vehicles. By shopping around and getting quotes from multiple insurers, you can be sure that you are getting the best rate possible.

Find Discounts

Another great way to save money on luxury car insurance is to take advantage of discounts. Many insurers offer discounts for things like having a clean driving record or installing anti-theft devices in your vehicle. Be sure to ask your insurer about any discounts that may be available to you.

Raise Your Deductible

One of the easiest ways to lower your insurance premium is to raise your deductible. This means that you will have to pay more out of pocket if you are in an accident, but it can save you a significant amount of money on your premium.

Bundle Your Policies

If you insure your luxury car with the same company that insures your home or other vehicles, you may be eligible for a discount. Many insurers offer bundling discounts, so be sure to ask about this when you are shopping around.

Find Job-Related Incentives

Some employers offer incentives to employees who use public transportation or carpool. If you are able to take advantage of one of these programs, you may be able to get a discount on your luxury car insurance.

Research Multi-Vehicle Policies

Another great way to get affordable luxury car insurance is to research multi-vehicle policies. Many insurers offer discounts for insuring multiple vehicles with them. This could be a great option if you have more than one vehicle in your household.

Price-Match Programs

Some insurers offer price-matching programs. This means that if you find a better rate with another company, they will match it. This is a great way to get the best possible rate on your luxury car insurance.

Compare Quotes

Another great way to find the most affordable luxury car insurance is to compare quotes. There are a variety of websites that allow you to do this, so be sure to take advantage of them. By comparing quotes, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible rate on your insurance.

Make/Model Specific Policies

Some insurers offer to make and model specific policies. This means that they will tailor your policy to the make and model of your vehicle. Some cars don’t need the kind of coverage that others require, your vehicle may have a cheaper policy.

Pay As You Drive Plans

Some insurers offer pay-as-you-drive plans. This means that you will only be charged for the miles that you actually drive. This could be a great option if you don’t use your car very often.

Veterans Discounts

Many insurers offer discounts to veterans. Your service can earn you a lower rate for your vehicle.

Military Discounts

Many insurers offer discounts to military members. If you are in the military, be sure to ask your insurer about this discount.

Senior Citizen Discounts

Some insurers offer discounts to senior citizens. This is a great way to get affordable luxury car insurance if you are over the age of 50.

Student Discounts

Some insurers offer discounts to students. You may need to show your ID or proof of enrollment for this kind of incentive.

Good Student Discounts

If you’re a brainiac, you may be eligible for a discount on your luxury car insurance.

These are just a few of the best tips for getting affordable luxury car insurance. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are getting the best coverage possible without breaking the bank.

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Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Men or for Women? Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:53:38 +0000 This original article was first published here: Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Men or for Women?

Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Men or for Women? (Plus Tips to Save Money) Car insurance is crucial for all drivers to have, and there are a range of factors that providers consider when calculating how much to charge customers for cover. A lot of people think that the cost of car insurance is […]

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This original article was first published here: Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Men or for Women?

Is Car Insurance More Expensive for Men or for Women? (Plus Tips to Save Money)

Car insurance is crucial for all drivers to have, and there are a range of factors that providers consider when calculating how much to charge customers for cover.

A lot of people think that the cost of car insurance is different depending on your gender, but is this true, and can you save money even if you are unavoidably going to be discriminated against on this basis?

Age makes a difference

It’s not just being a man or a woman that shapes your expected car insurance costs, but your age at the time you apply.

While studies have shown that national averages are slightly tipped in favour of men overall, if you are under 25 then you will pay more as a man than a woman. By the time you reach your mid-30s, the difference is negligible, and it tilts slightly in favour of women for the over-65s.

The real takeaway is that being a teenage driver is far more expensive than being a middle-aged driver, and that gender is not as much of an issue as many would have you believe in this regard.

Comparing car insurance quotes online

Whatever your age, gender or circumstances, the best way to make savings on car insurance is to compare quotes from different providers online.

Sites like are set up specifically for this purpose, and you can quickly pinpoint the best value packages available, rather than having to do this manually. So if you are looking for your first policy, or the time to renew your current cover has arrived, comparison tools will be your best friend.

Driving history matters

Men and women who have proven themselves to be safe drivers will be able to save significantly on car insurance.

The more years you have been on the roads without getting in an accident or making any kind of claim, the less your cover will cost.

It’s all about assessing risk. If you are demonstrably a low-risk prospect for insurers, then they can be confident that this trend will continue. If, on the other hand, you have a checkered history behind the wheel, expect to pay more.

Credit score can impact insurance costs

Another potentially surprising aspect of car insurance is that premium prices are dependent on your credit score in virtually every state, save for California.

Again this comes down to statistical analysis which has been done, showing a correlation between a bad credit score and reckless behaviour on the roads.

If you want to save on car insurance, and also reap the myriad other benefits of having a good credit score, then taking steps to improve it makes sense. Keeping up with loan repayments, reducing your debt and being responsible with your money will help.

Location is relevant

As you’d expect, as well as there being different laws governing car insurance in each state, there are also geographic factors that come into play when dictating average premium prices.

For example, the higher likelihood of extreme weather conditions occurring in Florida means that drivers in this state have higher average car insurance costs.

Obviously, you can’t always make the choice to move to a different part of the country just to save on car insurance, but even things like where you keep your car overnight can decrease or increase the cost of cover.

In short, you don’t need to worry too much about whether an insurer is penalizing you because of your gender, because this will have a marginal influence over the price you are offered, and other elements will be far more important to consider.

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Do You Call 911 for a Minor Car Accident? Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:55:32 +0000 This original article was first published here: Do You Call 911 for a Minor Car Accident?

Car accidents can easily be a traumatic experience for everyone involved. They typically always result in personal injury claims, and sometimes even property damage claims. Interestingly, though, many people believe that you don’t always need to contact law enforcement in every scenario. So, do you call 911 for a minor car accident? Houston personal injury […]

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This original article was first published here: Do You Call 911 for a Minor Car Accident?

Car accidents can easily be a traumatic experience for everyone involved. They typically always result in personal injury claims, and sometimes even property damage claims.

Interestingly, though, many people believe that you don’t always need to contact law enforcement in every scenario. So, do you call 911 for a minor car accident? Houston personal injury attorney Stewart J. Guss provides a super helpful car accident checklist on his site. 

In it, he recommends calling 911 before you do anything else, even if you’re not sure if others are injured. Be sure to read through it so that you understand exactly what to do should you be involved in a car accident.

Now, let’s explore why you should still contact the police even if the accident is minor.

Not All Injuries Are Readily Apparent

One of the most important reasons to contact the police after a car accident is to ensure that injuries are properly taken care of. Unfortunately, it’s entirely possible to have significant injuries that you can’t immediately see or feel.

Without filing a police report, you’ll find difficulty in pursuing the other party for financial compensation to help cover your medical costs if you choose to do so.

Your State May Require You to Do Call

Depending on your state, you may need to call the police if certain factors are present during the accident. For example, some states claim that you have to file a police report if there’s property damage worth over $1000.

You also need to call the police if someone was injured, especially a bicyclist. The same can be said for injuring animals. But, even minor car accidents in the scenarios could result in long-term issues to see the aforementioned fact that not all injuries are apparent at the scene.

So, it’s better to call in most scenarios— otherwise, it could be misconstrued that you fled the scene.

A Police Report Helps With Insurance Claims

In order for your insurance company to cover the damage, they’ll need evidence of the accident that occurred. Since even minor incidents can prove to be expensive if you take care of the damage on your own, it’s always best to have a plan for documenting an accident as much as possible.

Having a lawn enforcement officer give their opinion during a police report can go a long way when it comes to pursuing compensation.

Police May Determine Who’s At Fault

In many cases, it can be difficult to determine who’s at fault in a minor accident since injury or property damage may not be present. Additionally, it’s highly likely that neither party will be willing to pay for it even if they believe that they were the ones that caused the accident.

Law enforcement can help determine who caused the incident by investigating the scene, and this information will be added to the report they take.

Do You Call 911 for a Minor Car Accident in Other Cases?

In general, it’s best to use your best judgment since every scenario is different. From here, you’ll be able to and ‘do you call 911 for a minor car accident’ and make the decision that’s best for you.

Want to learn more info you should keep in mind? Be sure to explore what the rest of our blog has to offer.

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5 Situations You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Wed, 01 Dec 2021 14:27:09 +0000 This original article was first published here: 5 Situations You Need A Car Accident Lawyer

Life is unpredictable. No matter how much you plan your day to the letter, life will always have other surprises. Fortunately, you can stay ahead by having insurance, medical aid, and lawyers. You don’t want to be in unpredictable situations without the proper cover or representation, especially on the road. If you need legal representation […]

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This original article was first published here: 5 Situations You Need A Car Accident Lawyer

Life is unpredictable. No matter how much you plan your day to the letter, life will always have other surprises. Fortunately, you can stay ahead by having insurance, medical aid, and lawyers. You don’t want to be in unpredictable situations without the proper cover or representation, especially on the road. If you need legal representation why not check out the services of a Fort Myers car accident lawyer.

As such, here are five scenarios where having a car accident lawyer on speed dial will come in handy:

1. You’ve Just Experienced Your First Car Accident

The aftermath of auto accidents can be quite traumatic, and you may find yourself very overwhelmed. Because of this, you may be confused with all the details and processes that take place with insurance companies and the other people involved in the accident, if there are any. If you fail in getting down information or filing the right paperwork on time, you may lose any compensation owed to you, or your case could even get dismissed.

Having an experienced car accident lawyer Las Vegas  at your service can take the edge off as they will know exactly what to do. The car lawyer will handle all the paperwork, deadlines, and insurance information required so that you can just focus on healing from the trauma and any physical injuries.

2. The Insurance Company is Questioning Who’s at Fault

If the car accident is someone else’s fault, that person’s insurance company will try to poke holes in your story to avoid paying out a claim. This can add extra stress to the trauma you have already experienced from the situation. It can be very difficult to deal with it alone, especially without any representation.

An experienced car accident attorney knows all the steps to take and will be able to navigate the insurance company on your behalf to ensure that you’re well-compensated. They can get evidence for your claim and the other person’s negligence.

The lawyer will also make sure that you don’t admit to something that is not true and will be your primary communication with the insurance companies. So, you don’t have to deal with insurance companies at all.

3. The Car Accident Has Given You A Permanent Injury Or Disability

Insurance companies pay claims depending on the type of injuries or damage to property that occurred. They also look at whether the injury or damage is temporary or permanent, as well as your current and future bills. The way they calculate this figure, though, can be very complicated to follow and needs assessments from your doctor and other relevant professionals.

A professional car lawyer will be able to break down and calculate the costs of your claims so that you are not cheated out of your rightful compensation. They will also be able to find the right doctors immediately to assess your injuries. Discuss a payment plan with your lawyer, as some are amenable to waiting until you win your settlement. So, you can rest assured knowing that someone has your back during the ordeal.

4.  You Get A Settlement Offer

Sometimes, insurance companies give you a settlement offer once you file a claim. Most people usually accept the offer in these situations because they just want to put the ordeal behind them. However, these settlement offers can, at times, be a mistake. Insurance companies know that most people do not want to go through the bureaucracy of claim settlements and accept whatever they offer.

Having an attorney will mean that you will have access to professionals who will be able to calculate the cost of the accident, especially if you have received a permanent injury or liability. The lawyer will be able to negotiate on your behalf and can get them to offer you more than they were initially offering.

5 Situations You Need A Car Accident Lawyer

5. You Need Evidence From The Crash Site

When filing for your claim, you want to be armed with anything that can prove your case. This can be anything from dashcam footage to acquiring the film of nearby surveillance cameras. You will need to get these quickly before they are removed or doctored against your claim. You also need to preserve any evidence on the road, like debris, skid marks, or photographs of the cars involved.

An attorney can make sure to get the relevant warrants needed to obtain security footage and photographs of the crash scene. They can even get in touch with an accident reconstruction professional who will be able to break down exactly what happened by looking at all evidence at the crash site.


Make sure you have a car accident lawyer on speed dial, so you are fully prepared the next time life throws you another one of its unpredictable curveballs. Your car accident attorney will defend your claim, get you the right professionals, and obtain all the evidence needed. They will be the sole communicator with insurance companies so that you can just focus on healing and getting over the trauma.

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Everything You Need To Know About Car Leasing Wed, 28 Apr 2021 08:42:28 +0000 This original article was first published here: Everything You Need To Know About Car Leasing

There are almost 32 million cars on Great Britain’s roads, according to data from the Department for Transport, and drivers these days are faced with all manner of decisions when it comes to choosing a new set of wheels. Not only are there countless makes and models to trawl through, but there are also plenty […]

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This original article was first published here: Everything You Need To Know About Car Leasing

There are almost 32 million cars on Great Britain’s roads, according to data from the Department for Transport, and drivers these days are faced with all manner of decisions when it comes to choosing a new set of wheels. Not only are there countless makes and models to trawl through, but there are also plenty of options in terms of car finance.

One of those is leasing, which is also known as personal contract hire (PCH). Here, we’ll explain how it works, how it differs from other finance options and outline the costs involved. We’ll also offer up a list of pros and cons that might help you make your mind up.

How does car leasing work?

Leasing works in a similar way to renting a flat. Let’s say you want to lease a brand new Nissan Qashqai. You put an initial deposit down and after that you repay the leasing company in the form of regular monthly instalments.

With car leasing, you never actually own the vehicle. So, let’s assume you took out your Qashqai on a three-year lease. Once those three years are up, you simply return the vehicle to the finance company. At that point, you can choose another car if you wish, or you can simply walk away.

That’s where PCH is fundamentally different from personal contract purchase (PCP). With PCP, you have the option to own the car, but only if you’re willing to make the balloon payment at the end of your deal.

What costs do you need to be aware of when leasing a car?

Typically, that first deposit will be higher than the subsequent monthly payments. You should also know that you will be asked to select a mileage limit for the course of the lease and you will pay extra – usually around 10p – for every mile above that threshold.

So, let’s say you took out your Qashqai with an annual mileage limit of 8,000 but over the course of your three-year lease you covered 26,000 miles. That means you would have to pay an extra £200. You may also be charged for any damage to the car, so it can pay to get these fixed before you hand it back, as that might enable you to get the repairs done for less than the finance company’s bill.

The good news is that your payments will include tax and breakdown cover. It may also account for servicing of the vehicle, depending on the terms of your lease.

There are many benefits to choosing to lease a car and is becoming an increasingly popular option for motorists and you may decide that leasing is a better option for you when it comes to your future vehicles.

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Top Causes of Florida Car Accidents Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:42:31 +0000 This original article was first published here: Top Causes of Florida Car Accidents

Do you live in Florida? If so, then you know that life in the Sunshine State can be both exciting and unpredictable. This is especially true when it comes to driving. As with most places, hundreds of accidents happen every day throughout the state. That’s why it’s wise to stay as educated as possible about […]

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This original article was first published here: Top Causes of Florida Car Accidents

Do you live in Florida? If so, then you know that life in the Sunshine State can be both exciting and unpredictable.

This is especially true when it comes to driving. As with most places, hundreds of accidents happen every day throughout the state. That’s why it’s wise to stay as educated as possible about what to expect out on the road.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for information about the most common types of Florida car accidents. This article takes a look at road accidents that happen every single day. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on what to look for and how to avoid getting into trouble while driving in Florida.


It should come as no surprise that speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents in the State of Florida. After all, this is a traffic violation that most people have been guilty of at least a few times. It’s easy to become distracted or push your speed bit when you’re in a hurry.

The key to reducing accidents involving speeding to simply leave a little earlier and keep an eye on the speedometer. This helps save money on gas while also saving lives.

Drinking and Driving

Thousands of people are killed in drunk driving accidents every year. And many thousands more are injured or at least suffered damage to their vehicles.

It’s important to understand that driving while intoxicated is no joke. Even if you think you’re in control, you definitely aren’t. And there’s never an excuse for getting behind the wheel after having a few. Take the time to drink plenty of water and coffee, then always take the time to fully sober up before attempting to operate your vehicle.

Running Red Lights

It’s a common sight to see someone run a red light at an intersection. In fact, you likely witness this behavior multiple times each day. That’s because it feels like an innocent crime, especially when someone is in a big hurry.

And yet running red lights is incredibly dangerous and should never be taken lightly. After all, it might seem like you are just slipping through the intersection at the last moment, you are actually putting your safety and the safety and other drivers on the road in jeopardy.

Always be very aware of changing lights and resist the temptation to speed up once they’ve turned yellow. Keep in mind that sitting at a light for a minute or two is a small price to pay for getting to your destination in one piece.

Texting While Driving

In the last few years, an increasing number of accidents have been caused by people texting on their smartphones.

It’s human nature to believe that you can multitask while driving your car. But there’s nothing safe about glancing at your phone when you should be totally focused on the road ahead of you.

You should also keep in mind that law enforcement can easily determine if you were texting at the time of the accident. Thus you can be held legally liable if your distracted driving results in injury or death to other drivers, as well as any damage to their vehicle.

The best strategy is to send a text before getting in the car, and then responding to messages once you’ve arrived at your destination. It’s bad enough to listen to the radio or talking on the phone while driving, but it’s crucial to keep your eyes on the road ahead at all times while at the wheel.

Here’s a look at what to do after an auto accident.

Driving While High

When it comes to driving inebriated with alcohol, it’s equally unwise and dangerous to operate a moving vehicle while high. In most states, marijuana and other types of drugs are still illegal, thus you could be prosecuted if you fail to pass a sobriety test. But even in states where marijuana usage is legal, it’s never justifiable to operate a car while under the influence.

Animals In the Road

Members of law enforcement place a big priority on being alert and keeping your eyes on the road ahead while driving. This is because you never know what might unexpectedly appear in front of your car.

This includes animals. For example, thousands of deer and other forms of wildlife are struck by motorists each year. These incidents result in extensive damage to vehicles, as well as serious injury or death for drivers.

This fact is especially true in Florida, a state that is home to a wide variety of wildlife that often wander onto busy roadways.

Falling Asleep at the Wheel

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of being as alert as possible while driving. Along with drinking or being high, driving while fatigued or sleepy is incredibly dangerous. In fact, trying to stay away while operating your vehicle is every bit as dangerous as drunk driving. Because the reality is that you aren’t fully aware of your surroundings. You’ll also be unable to react as reflexively as when you are totally awake and alert.

That’s why it’s so important to be fully rested before getting in your car, even if you’re only driving a short distance.

Bad Weather Conditions

No matter where you live, you likely experience severe weather conditions such as rain or snow. Driving in these kinds of conditions causes thousands of serious accidents every year. So try to stay home or wait until bad weather passes before attempting to drive.

Teen Drivers

Becoming an experienced driver doesn’t happen overnight. That’s why so many accidents involving teen drivers occur each year. This is true of every community in the country, and the State of Florida is certainly no exception.

A Driver’s Guide to the Most Common Types of Florida Car Accidents

Being involved in an auto accident can be scary and stressful. Fortunately, this list of common Florida car accidents will help you stay as safe as possible while on the road in the Sunshine State.

Keep exploring this blog to discover more great lifestyle tips and advice.

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Car Accident Law in California – How Do You Determine Who Is at Fault? Thu, 22 Oct 2020 14:06:58 +0000 This original article was first published here: Car Accident Law in California – How Do You Determine Who Is at Fault?

Every year in the United States there are approximately six million accidents on the road and these result in nearly $1 trillion worth of damage! Fortunately, you may be able to recover some of these damages with the help of a lawyer or your insurance. If you don’t have a car accident lawyer yet, it is best […]

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This original article was first published here: Car Accident Law in California – How Do You Determine Who Is at Fault?

Every year in the United States there are approximately six million accidents on the road and these result in nearly $1 trillion worth of damage!

Fortunately, you may be able to recover some of these damages with the help of a lawyer or your insurance. If you don’t have a car accident lawyer yet, it is best to find yourself a good one so you’ll be prepared. However, to do so you need to have a good understanding of car accident law and to identify who was a fault in an accident.

Want to know more? Well, you’re in the right place! Read on to find out everything you need to know about auto accident law in California.


What Does ‘Being at Fault’ Mean in Car Accident Law?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident and want to make a claim, the first thing that auto accident law will as is ‘who was at fault in the accident?’ This involves looking at who or what caused an accident.

For example, if someone ran a red light and this caused an accident then they would be at fault. Essentially, they’d be the person to sue for compensation. However, if they ran the light because there was a problem with the lights themselves, then the light maintenance team would be at fault.

To determine who was at fault in an accident, personal injury law looks at all the events leading up to an accident that might have caused it to happen.

Providing Evidence of Fault

To sue for the compensation you will also need to prove that a party was at fault in your accident. There are several places that you can look for evidence of fault including:

  • Video or photographic footage of the accident
  • Police reports about the accident
  • Eye witness accounts of what happened
  • Records of highway maintenance (such as road markings, signage, or signals)

It is much easier to make a claim for a car accident that you have already reported. This is why it’s a good idea to file a report of your accident with the police or to phone 911 as soon as it happens.

Once you have evidence that proves one party was a fault in an accident, you can start making your claim. This can provide financial compensation for any damage to property, loss of earnings, or medical costs. Let’s take a look at what you need to do in order to make a claim.

Filing Your Lawsuit

To sue someone for compensation for your car accident, you will need to file a lawsuit. In California, you have two years from the date of your accident to file your lawsuit.

It’s a good idea to get help from an experienced lawyer in the local area when doing this. They’ll be able to help to draft your lawsuit and collect evidence for your case. They’ll also ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines and will represent your interests in court if needed.

This means that you can focus your energy on recovering from your accident.

Get Help With a Claim Today!

Car accident law in California dictates that provided an accident wasn’t your fault, you can claim compensation for your injuries. But you don’t have to do this alone.

Get in touch today to speak to one of our team about putting together a case for your car accident in Los Angeles.

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Does My Liability Insurance Cover Accidents In A Friend’s Car? Fri, 24 Jul 2020 01:57:36 +0000 This original article was first published here: Does My Liability Insurance Cover Accidents In A Friend’s Car?

If you’ve ever rented a car, you know that you will be offered a daily insurance policy to cover the rental car. There is a daily charge in addition to whatever rate, fees, and taxes you have to pay for the car. It might please you to know, however, that if you have a liability […]

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This original article was first published here: Does My Liability Insurance Cover Accidents In A Friend’s Car?

If you’ve ever rented a car, you know that you will be offered a daily insurance policy to cover the rental car. There is a daily charge in addition to whatever rate, fees, and taxes you have to pay for the car. It might please you to know, however, that if you have a liability policy, you should be covered when driving that rental car unless your policy says otherwise.

Does liability insurance cover the driver or the car?

Many people wonder whether or not they need to check to make sure that their friend’s insurance is up to date before borrowing a car. Can you imagine the awkwardness? “Before you do me the favor of lending me your car, I’d like to also look at your insurance policy to make sure that I’m covered.” The good news is that you can avoid this sort of interaction if you have a liability policy for your own car. A liability policy follows the insured and not the car, so as long as you’re not driving a type of vehicle that isn’t covered, you’re covered.

What if an uninsured driver borrows my car?

So, if you’re insured, you’re covered for most cars you drive, but what about a situation where a friend who doesn’t own a car asks to borrow yours? You know that they don’t have insurance that follows them around. More good news. Your policy should cover all drivers. There are, of course, exceptions. You should ask your agent or review your policy before lending your vehicle.

What to Do if You’re in an Accident

Regardless of whether you’re driving your own car, a friend’s car, or a rental, the following guidelines are applicable to accidents.

Make Safety Your First Priority – Your safety should come first. You can’t help anyone else if exacerbate injuries or put yourself in further peril. Move to a position of safety and check on other drivers and passengers.

Contact 911 and Request Police and Fire Rescue – The dispatcher will need to know your location, direction of travel, the descriptions of vehicles involved, and the types of injuries. When police and rescue arrive, comply with their instructions. Allow yourself to be examined by EMTs and follow their recommendations.

Obtain the Names and Contact Information of Witnesses – Witnesses often leave before police arrive. If they are willing to help, ask for their, and contact information. The police or your attorney can follow up at a later time.

Take Videos and Photos – Nothing will help your attorney reconstruct the scene of an accident like visual evidence. If it turns out that you need a personal injury lawyer, this evidence will be invaluable. Do not, however, take safety risks to get images. If you can safely video the scene, you’ll want to get a view of the street, closeups of the damage, closeups of injuries, and geographic indicators.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer – If you’ve been injured in an accident, do not accept an offer from an insurer or sign a waiver without first speaking to a personal injury lawyer. You are entitled to reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A personal injury lawyer does not charge anything upfront. They only collect once your case is settled or litigated.

Learn more about different claims.

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5 Easy Ways to Save Money with Motoring Thu, 23 Jul 2020 06:14:46 +0000 This original article was first published here: 5 Easy Ways to Save Money with Motoring

Something that is overlooked by many drivers is how much money can be saved even when actively using your car.  Whether it’s learning to conserve your gas, maintaining your car to prevent long term damage or using cheaper alternatives to purchasing cars, there is plenty of cash to be saved. Let’s talk about 5 ways […]

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This original article was first published here: 5 Easy Ways to Save Money with Motoring

Something that is overlooked by many drivers is how much money can be saved even when actively using your car.  Whether it’s learning to conserve your gas, maintaining your car to prevent long term damage or using cheaper alternatives to purchasing cars, there is plenty of cash to be saved. Let’s talk about 5 ways to save money with motoring.

1. Turn off unused electronics in your vehicle

It may surprise some to learn that having certain features in your car on will use extra power from your battery, which is kept recharged by driving and driving requires fuel! Some of the main offenders of battery drainage are the air conditioning (AC) system, leaving lights on within the interior, leaving external lights on during daylight and using the USB ports to charge things.

Instead of using excessive amounts of AC open your car’s windows instead. Instead of using external lights during the day, manually switch them off and use your daylight running LEDs (DRLS) if you have them. Don’t leave internal lights on as they can drain your battery significantly. And try to use your USB port less for things such as phone charging. All of these small things can add up after a while.

2. Monitor your car’s tyres pressures more often

This is often neglected and is a major cause of increasing fuel costs. Underinflated tyres can cause significantly increased fuel costs, as the more friction applied to the road by underinflated tyres makes the car struggle to reach optimum speeds. It has. Been proven that underinflated tyres will increase fuel usage by your car and make you have to stop at a fuel station more often.

You can combat this by finding out your recommended tyre pressures for your vehicle via your manual. Once you have them you can use an air pump (a standard one or one at a fuel station) to get your tyres up to the recommended pressures. This will save you money, as well as making your car safe to drive.

3. Consider trying out car leasing to acquire a new car

Car finance and leasing now account for a large majority of vehicles on the road. News site Reuters stated from 2016 to 2017 86% of cars bought in the UK were financed. Out of all of the finance options available these days, car leasing remains the cheapest. This is due to not having to pay for the deprecation of the car and avoiding damaged used car pitfalls.

For example, you can get cheap 2-year lease deals for as little as £4500 in total for a brand-new car with zero miles. These days you would be paying around that price for a decent used car, but even then, that used car could have 40,000 miles+ and be around the corner from a catastrophic engine issue that will cost £1000 to be fixed (as well as the inconvenience of having to wait for it to be fixed).

Even premium cars like Audi leasing and Volkswagen leasing are cheap these days. Meaning you can get a £40,000+ vehicle for less than £8000 over a 2-year period.

3. Learn to shift gears conservatively if you drive a manual

A lot of modern cars now have a ‘driving rating’ built into their systems. This will tell you how economical your driving is. Many drivers simply don’t drive economically and constantly rev their car into 5,000+ RPM territory, even during stop/start traffic where little input is needed to get your car moving.

Many cars these days now have a little flashing symbol on your instrumental cluster when the best time to change gear is. Learning to change gear at 2,000 RPM will significantly improve your fuel costs and save you from trips to the fuel station. It may feel slower but with all the traffic on the road on today’s modern roads, it probably won’t matter as much.

Audi TT London Ritz Hotel Pulse Orange Gracie Opulanza (1)

4. Make the change to electric cars

This one is still a 50/50 based on whether or not you have the local infrastructure to charge your car, as well as your own charging port installed in your home. Electric cars can produce huge savings on fuel costs, once you get past the initial price of the car. There are plenty of cheap electric cars on the market now such as the Nissan Leaf that is great for local driving.

Calculating your fuel costs yearly is a great way to see how much you could save with an electric car. Let’s say you pay £40 per week fuel costs for work commuting. There are 4 weeks in a month so commuting costs would be £160 in total. Times that by 52 weeks per year you arrive at £8320 just to travel to work. You could be saving all of this cash by looking into an electric car.

Of course, we haven’t added in the price of charging your car at home. The AFDC website says that “If electricity costs $0.11 per kilowatt-hour, charging an EV with a 70-mile range (assuming a fully depleted 24 kWh battery) will cost about $2.64 to reach a full charge.” Even if you charged hour car every single day (365 days a year) you’d be looking at a price of £956 in total compared to the £8320 you would’ve spent on fuel.

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