How Divorce Can Impact your Health

No happy marriage ends in separation or divorce. Whether you choose to work through your marital challenges or have already concluded that your marriage is beyond saving, you must always remember that divorce comes with both emotional and physical impacts. An experienced lawyer can help you handle the legal aspects of divorce, such as alimony, parental custody of your child, and more. However, you will need to deal with the physical and emotional effects of divorce on your own. These include;


Increased Anxiety

It doesn’t matter what led to your divorce. You will definitely experience higher anxiety during a divorce. According to Mayo Clinic, a significant life event might make someone anxious, and divorce isn’t an exception. Even if you have the best lawyer and highly supportive friends and relatives, you should see your doctor whenever anxiety starts interfering with your life before it starts causing physical health issues or psychological challenges.

The risk of Depression

A study published in the Clinical Psychological Science Journal in 2013 confirmed what might sound obvious to most people – anyone going divorce is at a higher risk of depression. However, not everyone experiences a spike in the risk of depression during or after divorce. It mainly affects people who have battled with higher levels of anxiety and depression in the past.

During the 2013 study, researchers found that 60% of people who have dealt with depression before and had a divorce, suffered from depressive episodes. Compare this with 10% of people without a history of depression who suffered this condition after divorce. Therefore, divorce is likely to spike anxiety levels, and this is bad news for your physical and mental health.

Insomnia and a higher risk of blood pressure

Often, people lose appetite and stop sleeping during and immediately after divorce. What’s more, according to a 2014 study, there is a link between inadequate sleep and the risk of high blood pressure. The research findings revealed that people who had difficulties sleeping for over ten weeks following their divorce saw a negative impact on their resting blood pressure. Keep in mind that the longer you have sleeping troubles, the more likely you are to have high blood pressure problems.

Most women end up losing health insurance

While the numbers may have changed since Obamacare took effect, a study done in 2012 showed that over 115,000 women in the United States lost their health insurance every year due to divorce. This is because they solely depended on their spouse’s policies, and after divorce, such people end up uninsured for a long time.

Wrap Up

All the issues discussed sound scary, but there is a good chance you will eventually feel better if you learn how to cope with divorce. According to experts, you are likely to feel better, both physically and mentally, by the time you hit the 2-year mark after your divorce. To minimize the impacts of divorce, try as much as you can to keep to your routine and lifestyle after divorce.