
Hudwood is a Slovenian company that makes products that are almost entirely made out of wood. It makes carabiners and wallets that give you a true sense of nature. Al the wooden parts are coated with protective oil, this will allow them to stand the test of time.


Minimalist Wooden Wallet

This is a minimalist wallet, which has a wooden outer rim and elastic straps on both sides. This rim is exactly the size of a credit card and allows you to stack a lot of cards. If you need to store coins you can insert a coin box and close the box with one of your credit cards. Don’t worry about loosing the coins as the rim is wide enough and the elastic bands keep the cards in place. You can see how this wallet works in the two videos below.

I love minimalist wallets as they do not show big when in your trousers. The design of the wallet prevents damage to your cards. This wallet weighs only 32.9 grams and it comes with 2 sets of interchangeable bands in white and in black.

The wallet can hold:

  • coin box + 3-8 cards + cash OR
  • 9-13 cards + cash


Turn Wallet Into Mobile stand

You can take one of your credit cards out and stick it on a 90 degree angle and your wallet turns into a mobile stand which is great for watching videos.

Hudwood wooden wallets mobile stand

Turn your wallet into a mobile stand

Wooden Carabiner

The Hudwood wooden carabiner is a great and stylish way to have your keys with you. These carabiners will make sure your keys are always firmly kept in place and can easily be accessed when needed. You will be able to avoid looking for your keys in your bulky pockets. Besides that, wooden carabiners will not damage your pants, your car varnish or doors.


The Hudwood carabiners are not for climbing but they are strong. Yes even this wooden carabiner can easily hold weights of up to 10 kg. This is more then enough for even the heaviest set of keys.


The Hudwood carabiner is both light and strong. A perfect combination .

Three Different Designs

The carabiners come in three different designs.

DROP – its shape is designed in the shape of a drop. So if you put 2 DROPs together you get a heart. Weights 19g.


SURF – the shape itself combines the idea of a surf, longboard and SUP. Weights 16,9g.


SIMPLE – As A. Einstein once said: „Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.“ It is small and smooth 🙂 Weights 15,4g.



Hudwood’s wood structure is very unique, just like nature, to make sure that every product has its own authentic look. Hudwood uses plywood, which is especially made for the carabiners and wallets. And this is how its plywoods are built – 7 layers of different kind of woods.



To get Hudwood off the ground, a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign has been started. With 38 days left of its campaign, they need your help to finish over the line. With the help of the Kickstarter campaign funds, Hudwood can have a successful launch of its unique products. Donations are as low as $1 for your support, where as higher donations will give you the opportunity to become one of the first owners of Hudwood wallet or carabiner. Here is a link to the Kickstarter Campaign – HUDWOOD – Handcrafted wooden carabiners and wallets