One of the worst things about dental solutions is that you have to visit a specialist multiple times to make sure that you continue to enjoy a clean and healthy smile. When it comes to dental implants, the number of visits can double up which means you will have to not only have to take out precious time from your schedule again and again, but you’ll also end up paying a fortune.

This is why same-day dental implants are so beneficial. If you want a single tooth implant in St. Louis, there are plenty of specialists willing to help you out. And if you can’t decide whether same-day implants is a good idea, then here are a couple of reasons to help you decide.

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Potential Benefits of Same-Day Dental Implants

If you have just lost a tooth, it is considered a dental emergency. A dentist can help you quickly replace the missing tooth with an implant. Implants are quick and easy to place and can do a wonder for your self-esteem and confidence. Here are just a few other benefits of same-day dental implants.

  • Long-term solution. Once a dental implant is placed, it will become a permanent part of your mouth. You can brush it or floss it just like you do it with other teeth. And the best part? No one will ever be able to tell that you have an implant installed. These also stay with you for a very long time just like real teeth.
  • One-visit solution. Traditional dental implant surgery requires multiple visits to the dentist, and it must care for post-surgery which means more visits to the dentist. A same-day dental implant is quite different. It has a short recovery visit and you’ll only have to visit the dentist’s office once.
  • Short recovery period. A traditional implant is installed in such a way that it requires a lot of post-care surgery. In simple words, it requires you to visit the dentist every single month. As mentioned above, a same-day dental implant is placed in your jaw in such a way that it has a very short recovery period. Dentists also offer sedation options for maximum comfort of the patient.

Should You Consider Same-Day Dental Implants?

Having a gap in your teeth not only destroys your beautiful smile, but it also poses a lot of health problems. Here are some reasons why you should opt for a same-day dental implant.

  • Recover your smile. The biggest and most prominent benefit of a dental implant is that it helps restore your smile to its best. If you don’t like having a gap in your teeth, visit your Dentist in New York today.
  • Prevents teeth shifting. Leaving a gap in your teeth means that other teeth will shift to the empty space. A dental implant will serve as a permanent barrier and will keep the teeth in their place.

Dental implants are always very beneficial to the patient. But they can be tough to deal with. With a same-day dental implant, you will never have to worry about the downsides of traditional implants.