While we are all taught not to judge a book by its covers, when we grow up and start looking for a partner, we judge people by our first impression of them. This means that clothes and accessories play a major role in all of that. Now, most of the time, people believe that women don’t really do this, that they don’t look for their partner based on looks. But, they are so wrong. Just like men like it when women wear yoga pants or nice dresses, women like when men wear certain things. In that spirit, here are some tips on what to wear if you want women to notice you.

Wear Accessories

When it comes to accessories, it all comes down to the personal preference of each woman. However, there are some universal truths and things that all women are attracted to. For one, you should think about glasses, according to statistics. Women think that glasses make men more dreamy and attractive. Some think that men look smarter and more dependable when they wear them and some may think that you are funny or goofy. This will all depend on which ones you choose. However, keep in mind that some women think that only nerds wear glasses so it might not work on everyone.

Next, you can also wear sunglasses which are universally considered sexy and attractive on a man.

There is also the classic watch. Not the digital one or the one on your phone, but rather a real watch. And if you use it, it’s even better. The slight move of the wrist can make some women swoon because it’s so manly and attractive. Women pay attention to details and a good watch is often a sign of a dependable man and someone who cares about details too. Your watch should be simple, elegant and in no way crusted with diamonds or made with gold.

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Wear Suits

Many women wish that they could have been born during a time when all men wore suits all the time because there is something inevitably attractive about that. No matter what you look like, a good suit makes you instantly more attractive. But nowadays, men wear suits only to formal gatherings or to business meetings which is not very often. A suit creates a long lasting impression and it makes you look more attractive and more masculine. The scientists believe that this is because the suit creates a V-shaped body which is an evolutionary sign of good health in men. This is why you need to start wearing suits whenever you can. Choose a suit that emphasizes your wide shoulders and strong arms.

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Wear Soft Sweaters

The fabric of the clothes you wear also makes a huge difference. High-quality, soft sweaters can make you seem way more attractive to women around you. For one, the soft material can make any women want to fall into your embrace and this material makes an otherwise strict man look soft and tender.

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Leather Jacket

A leather jacket is a staple in any man’s wardrobe. It looks expensive and elevates your style, making you seem more edgy and confident. The perfect way to use a leather jacket is to create that classic bad boy look.


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Wear A Coat

Coats on men are just as rare on men nowadays as suits. However, the coat brings the same kind of charm as suit does. It looks as if you jumped out of a movie screen. So, wear coats often. Take inspiration from movies like Casablanca or similar oldies. Choose a classic coat in moderate tones that you can combine with everything.

As a style writer at LuckyAssignments.com and GumEssays.com, Harry Conley works to provide fresh news on style and fashion from famous people, inform people on what the newest trends are and provide tips that will help people have more style.

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