Hygiene speaks so much about you. It is one of the many things that people you meet will judge you. It also reflects your status in life. Most of the time, society expects an average income earner will clothe himself pleasantly. It is part of anyone’s culture to be clean and neat all the time.

What makes proper hygiene an essential aspect in your life? Making yourself clean does not only make you feel good about yourself, but it also opens doors for many opportunities in life. It is an advantage that you do look neat all the time. Others see you as responsible for taking care of yourself (read more).

This article will discuss getting proper hygiene for your beard. It will enumerate common problems with men with long beard experience. You will also learn about beard butter and the reasons why you should apply it.

Let us now discuss the common problems of men with long beard experience.

Common Problems of Bearded Men


Just like our scalp, the skin underneath the beard is also prone to getting dandruff. This condition is usually characterized by yellowish-white flakes that easily crumble when touched. A fungus named Malassezia is the cause of having dandruff. It will irritate your skin by making it itchy and swollen if left untreated. Read here to know more about it.

beard care for men


Men who have a beard, especially long ones, could experience mild to severe. You get this from the bacteria that accumulate within your pores. Hair naturally produces oil and oil in the skin usually spells trouble. Also, acne can develop from the dirt that settles in your beard then touches your skin. It is red and could be itchy too.

Dry & Brittle Beard

Your hair can get dry and brittle for some reason. It can get dry because of the weather outside or the hair routine you have every day. Your hair turns brittle over time because it does not receive enough nutrients to maintain and fix it. It is why you must use the right products for it.

beard trends

Ways How to Take Care of Your Beard

Wash it daily

Yes, you heard it right. To remove dirt and oil from it, you have to wash it. But you do not just wash with any shampoo that you have at home; you have to use a gentle and antibacterial shampoo. It will lessen the chances of getting dandruff and acne in the coming days. Also, apply conditioner to smoothen the texture to avoid getting dry and brittle hair.

Use clean and well-maintained trimming tools

You might be doing the cutting all by yourself, and you cannot just use any scissor. Make sure that you get to buy the best scissor for your hair. You can check online for stores that sell grooming kits for men. It includes a comb, scissor, oil, soap, and balm. You can choose among the variations of packages that they offer.

Get products that are organic or use fewer chemicals

There are many hair products in the market, yet do not get carried away with the packaging. Before you buy anything, ask your friends or workmates who have tried the specific product already about its effectiveness. Read blog reviews, too, and comments from users. If you are ready, start trying out the product for you to see.

Reasons Why You Should Apply Beard Butter

It gives moisture

You must keep your beard and hair moisturized all the time. It is because the moisture locked in your skin prevents you from getting skin infections. The beard butter has oil in one of its ingredients that make your hair and skin healthy-looking. Moreover, it softens your skin and hair as well, which makes it pleasing to the eyes.

It is a good alternative for oil

You can choose between butter or oil. Both have benefits, but when it comes to easy application and consistency, it will be better to use beard butter. It is not as messy as the oil when applied. Also, you can style your hair using it and making unwanted flying hair tamed.

It is organic

Some men create their own products from scratch. It is also good because you can control the dosage of ingredients, and you can choose only the ones that you think will benefit you. On the other hand, many shops sell organic ones. They use only quality oils and butter and refrain from using too many chemicals.

It promotes hair growth

Since it contains ingredients like vitamins and minerals, it does not only make your hair healthy, but it also makes the hair grow with excellent volume. Get those that are using vitamin E. Vitamin E contributes to having healthy hair by giving you shine, moisture, and skin protection. Read more here: https://bestgroomingtips.com/how-to-use-vitamin-e-capsules-for-beard-growth/.

It smells good

It is not only about your hair’s texture that gets fixed, but also about the great smell it leaves. It uses fragrant oils or what they call carrier oils like the ones that you can buy from aromatherapy shops. You can choose among peppermint, coconut, cinnamon, argan or jojoba. There are other oils that you can use with benefits too.

Now that you know so much about proper grooming for your hair and the reasons for using beard butter, I hope that you have more reasons to continue taking care of yourself now.