In a world that often feels dominated by social media, looking good has never been as important to many men as it is today. But looking good isn’t always about the impression that you make on your social profiles or to people in the street. When you look your best, you’re also feeling your best and there’s no denying that keeping on top of your personal grooming is a great way to practice self-care, improve your self-esteem, and give yourself a confidence boost.

Grooming tools are in abundance in 2020 and it can often feel like there’s something new available to try every day, whether it’s a new way to keep your beard in top condition or a way to keep your teeth pearly white. We’ve put together the ultimate list of every grooming tool that a man needs to look and feel his best in 2020.

Teeth Aligners

Is there one snaggle tooth that doesn’t want to join the others and always sticks out when you see a picture of yourself? While it’s quite rare to find somebody with naturally perfectly straight teeth and most people don’t notice small imperfections, they can easily become the main things that you notice and really knock your confidence. Thankfully, adult brace options today mean that you don’t need to get train track braces to correct some misalignments in your mouth. ALIGNERCO provides clear, removable braces that you can wear at night and throughout the day while you’re at home to straighten your teeth and provide you with the smile that you’ve always wanted on your own terms. Not to mention that you can easily sort your oral issues in Flint for the best services.

teeth aligners for men

Face Scrub

Dry skin on your face doesn’t just look unsightly but it can also lead to even further issues, including itchiness, pimples, and breakouts. Using a good face scrub should become a part of your regular routine to clean away any dead skin on your face and reveal the fresh, glowing skin underneath. There are plenty of options designed just for men that will leave your skin feeling and looking its best after each use. And, you can simply add them to your regular hygiene routine when washing your face every few days. For best results, don’t use them in the shower – or be sure to use colder water, as this will close your pores and help you avoid oily skin. If you tend to be prone to breakouts or acne, a medicated face scrub and face wash can do wonders for clearing up your skin.

facescrub for men exfoliators

Beard Grooming Kit

If you have a beard, you probably know just how much of a difference it can make when you really look after it. And with beards definitely a trend that isn’t going anywhere any time soon, any bearded gentleman needs a good grooming kit of his own. Washing and combing your beard on a regular basis will keep it looking smooth and soft, and you can apply oils to avoid hair matting and knots that can leave you looking scruffy and unkempt. If you normally have your beard trimmer and maintained by your barber, a good beard grooming kit can help you maintain the achieved look for longer and help you to continue looking and feeling your best between visits.

male grooming

Hair Trimmer

In between visits to your barber, a good trimming tool can help you keep yourself looking sleek and groomed at all times. You can use a multi-tool trimmer for many different things, including keeping your beard at the right length, tidying up your sideburns, and removing any flyaway hairs from around your face. If you tend to get hairs growing from your nose or around your ears, a quick once-over with the trimmer can leave you looking fresh and groomed within minutes. You can also use a hair trimmer to shape your eyebrows and tidy up your hairline if you tend to get flyaway hairs in this area.

hair trimmer for men


Keeping your skin soft and hydrated is crucial, so every man who is serious about looking and feeling great should have a high-quality moisturiser in his grooming kit. Ideally, you should have two – one that you apply in the morning as part of your getting ready routine, and one to apply before bed to help your skin during the night where most of the healing and regeneration work takes place. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s a good idea to get a day moisturiser that contains a high SPF to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. At night, a thicker cream can be applied to your skin so that you wake up feeling soft and smooth.

Electric Shaver

An electric shaver is a must for any man who shaves on a regular basis. Not only does it provide a much closer and smoother shave than a manual razor, but it also eliminates the need for you to use shaving foams or creams. Unlike a manual razor, using a high-quality electric shaver also means that there’s no risk of accidentally cutting yourself and risking an infection or simply having unsightly cuts and scratches on your face. It’s also a much quicker experience than a manual razor making it a great option for men who have a busy life. Plus, over the long term, you don’t need to continue purchasing disposable razor or razor heads, so you can save money too.

electric shaver for men

Manicure Kit

Keeping your nails trim and clean can make a huge difference to the appearance of your hands. A good manicure kit should include several tools such as nail clippers, tools to tidy up your cuticles, and a good nail brush to remove any dirt from underneath your nails. If you work in a very manual job or are often getting your hands dirty, a good manicure kit could be a must. If you suffer from a habit of nail-biting, you may want to consider a kit that includes an anti-biting solution that you can brush onto your nails – this has a foul taste and will quickly help you kick the habit and allow your nails to strengthen and grow.

nail care for men

Hair Products

Whatever your hairstyle, keeping your hair in good condition between visits to the barber is easier than ever with so many different grooming products available for men today. Choose from a range of hair waxes, gels, putties, sprays, and even dyes to achieve the look that you want. If you have noticed grey hairs appearing and don’t want to embrace the silver fox look just yet, there are several great hair dye options for men that you can simply brush over any grey areas and blend seamlessly with your natural hair colour.