
Jon Bon Jovi is one of the most powerful influences when it came to rock fashion. Whether we admit it or not. Deep down we all dream of being  a rock star. This 2012 leather pants, jackets and vests have been re-vamped. The styles available to us now are awesome. How can we learn from the master himself on how to be a rock star wannabe.

Choosing Your Leather Jacket

  • Military leather jacket or aviator style. Choose a flattering black leather jacket that looks great with your body shape and personal style.
  • Try on loads of leather jacket styles until the one suits you and you are comfortable in it.
  • Buy an expensive looking leather it makes a huge difference and its timeless.
  • Cowhide leather ages well and has a more rugged, Jon Bon Jovi appearance.
  • Bomber jackets – have a roomier fit in the chest area and are fitted to the waist, making them ideal for lean men with broad shoulders.
  • Motocross jackets – typically fall to the waist and have metal hardware and zippered pockets; they are designed to have a tight fit. Check out Belstaff for this.
  • Distressed leather jackets – have a vintage look and feel, with stiff lapels, boxy pockets and a worn-in look. All Saints should sort this out.

Getting the Jon Bon Jovi Look

  • Slim fitting shirts and t-shirts are essential.
  • Jean style is crucial but make sure you try loads of brands to see what suits your body type.
  • Leather trousers – See our leather trousers article.
  • Black shiny jeans – Great substitute for leather. Zara doing fab ones right now.
  • Get highlights, you don’t see his grey hair do you?
  • Accessories, chunky watch, leather necklace combined with a silver metal attachment that represents you.
  • Shoes, create your own look here. Make sure its black, wear boots with studs. ASH boots are perfect.
  • Get expensive eye-wear that suits you. Aviators are cool.

During his career he has released two solo albums and eleven studio albums with his band, which to date have sold over 130 million albums worldwide. Тhe band was declared the second richest band in 2011, behind U2, earning an approximate $125 million income.

Currently touring right now – BECAUSE WE CAN

Jon Bon Jovi - World Tour 2013

Jon Bon Jovi - World Tour 2013

Jon Bon Jovi - Camo shirt world tour 2013

jon-bon-jovi,-leather, shirt

Love the texture of his shirt

bon-jovi,brown leather jacket

Great colour leather jacket


This hairstyle will come back in vogue

burberry leather jacket,mens black

Burberry men’s black leather jackets and Belfast are doing great ones at the moment

jon-bon-jovi,blue polo sweater

Great colour sweater and design

Jon+Bon+Jovi,the work out

Jon with a body and talent likes you I also would have this moto


He wears alot of military jackets on stage. Check out our military jacket article


Great versatile brown leather jacket

jon-bon-jovi,leather vest

It is all about how you wear your clothes

jon bon jovi 2012,band members

Gareth Pugh has great leather jackets for men


Only Bon Jovi can get away with wearing leather trousers which are huge this 2012