Although always causing consternation, little did anyone know that the traditional job interview would evolve into such an onerous task with individuals not just doing their homework on prospective new employers but thinking of new ways to get ahead of the pack to snag that most elusive of prey the new career.

Men these days, particularly of a certain age, are always looking over their shoulder to ensure they are not falling behind both in terms of being a team player but also ensuring they give off the right vibe personally as well as professionally.

Moore’s law of technological change isn’t just applying to the technology; there are certain rules that must be applied by the individual seeking acceptance in the workplace or prospective workplace too. The first is to be competent or excel performance-wise at the desk or in the boardroom; the second is to look good while you are doing said tasks.

First, though you have to get your elegantly shod foot in the door and that will mean making the extra effort in the dress stakes. Here´s how you do it;

Suits You Sir

No matter what the industry, nothing shouts competency louder (As long as it isn’t an excess of colour) than the traditional suit, at home in both the boardroom and the sales floor of numerous companies and the same rules apply worldwide regarding it.

A good quality presentable suit worn to an interview conveys an obvious message to prospective employers, firstly you are keen to be respected as an intelligent motivated individual and secondly and more importantly you have respect for the good taste they have shown in singling out you to shine as a prospective employee. Let’s be honest, if you sat behind the desk, whom would you take more notice of? Jeans and sweatshirt guy or tailored fit Armani man?

Remember you don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune to look good with most men’s retailers carrying offerings that if fitted well can make you look good and feel confident as you walk into the lion’s den. A classic sharp blue or grey suit always looks the part and can also double for future less formal outings as part of your capsule wardrobe. Don´t go for the three-piece or double-breasted look unless you’re past references involve selling nylons and petrol coupons from a suitcase.

Understand The Fine Prints

Although eager to get it right it is possible to show a little more acumen with the traditional suit. Tailored and subtly modified mass-produced suits will still carry some commercial weight if it fits well and don’t exacerbate your own girth, so ensure it still fits well if the last time you wore it was at aunty Enid’s 70th Birthday party. If it doesn’t fit replace or have the offending item corrected before its critically needed for the interview.

Suits with a small amount of subtle patterning are acceptable in traditional weaves but if in doubt stick to plain colours, as we’ve previously suggested.

Avoid slanted pockets, half or no break trousers and loud or non-traditional shoes and pocket squares. Don’t wear loud socks, think black or grey. With ties don’t let it enter the room before you do! A plain white shirt and blue tie with a matching pocket square always talks about the business. Happy Hunting; Remember you don’t want Blogs & co. to know you’re a rebel ….yet!

Unemployed - Our Style Tips