Made In Chelsea stars Mark Francis Vandelli

Made In Chelsea star Mark Francis Vandelli. We’ve got a fab interview with Mark and other members of the cast.

Heading into London Fashion Week was so powerful because MenStyleFashion was working a different angle to the thousands of photographers attending. Our approach was simple; “I’m from MenStyleFashion, can I please take a photo of you for our site?”. Every single time the reactions from the men were priceless. They loved it, because understandable people were more focused on the womenswear – Fashion Week being primarily targeted toward women. Most of the photographers were running after the same women and getting the same shots. Our platform was unique considering the location and purpose of the event – and damn, were the guys looking good.

 The Photographers

After day one it was clear I needed more manpower, literally. My talented photographers Maria Scard and Jacqueline Kennedy could not be with me all of the time.  One of the highlights of attending Fashion Week was meeting the gorgeous Olly Clarke and Keanoush Da Rosa Zargham. Both of whom I would like to welcome to MenStyleFashion! You’ll encounter their images more and more.

Your Images

MenStyleFashion is about informing any man, who is interested, in how to attain their desired style. So don’t panic, your images will be filed under a few sections on the site – such as; Suits, Hats, Shoes and Man Bags. If you were holding a camera; we even have a section called Photographers. It all comes down to what you were wearing. So please keep looking over the course of the next few weeks, we guarantee your photo will be there – If we snapped a shot of you. When you spot your image please contact us and so that we can credit who you are – viewers will then know who you are and (if possible) how to contact you. Don’t forget to comment on what labels you were wearing and what your style is all about!

House Fire

It may seem unbelievable, but two days before London Fashion Week the Opulanza household had a house fire and as such, nearly lost everything. I had two choices; to stay home and get everything in order or continue toward Fashion Week. The reality was that there was’t a lot to sort out and my suitcase was literally at my front door, so whilst running from a huge ball of fire I simply snatched it up and my decision was made.  It was a clear sign to me, that nothing was going to stop me doing what I simply love and know that some men are in dire need of. My name is Gracie Opulanza and I am the woman who seek to encourage and challenge any man to think about what he wears and how to embrace his own personal sense of style. This article is a  teaser of what is to come on menstylefashion. Thank you to all the men who took the time to look amazing! You encapsulate MEN,  you embody STYLE  and you emblematise FASHION.

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

Scandanavian section we have an exclusive interview with Yunus and his amazing jewelry for men

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

Men don’t pose, we’ve captured amazing moments at London Fashion Week 

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

Propercorn twins, we’ve got a great interview with them

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

London Fashion Week - What the men wore

This is Donaldson Sackey, he is the loveliest man you could ever meet!