As the season’s transition from winter to summer, you will need to switch up your skincare routine to combat the different challenges that accompany the hotter weather. The scorching heat from the sun is linked to many skincare concerns, the most important of which is skin damage caused by the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays found in sunlight. To help you tackle this and other skincare concerns as you safely enjoy the summer sun, we’ve compiled a list of five effective solutions that will keep your skin protected and looking its best this summer.

Cosmetic Surgery For Reversing The Effects Of Sun Damage

A prominent symptom of sun damage is prematurely ageing skin. The UV rays from the sun have been found to destroy the skin’s collagen, the compound which tightens the skin to keep it looking firm and youthful. Therefore, if you have been exposed to the sun for too long, you may notice that your skin has become saggy, and your facial features have begun to droop.

If so, you may want to consider a cosmetic surgery that can help reverse the signs of ageing and lift p your facial features to help you regain your youthful appearance. A common sign of ageing is the increasing distance that develops between the nose and the upper lip, in which case a lip lift surgery, a popular procedure in London cosmetic clinics, is the perfect solution to help restore a balanced facial profile.


Increase The Number Of Times You Exfoliate

The summer months are particularly rough for those who suffer from acne. This affliction results from a combination of heat, sweat, and humidity, which increases the risk of dead skin cells sticking to the skin and clogging its pores. If you have an oily skin type or are prone to breakouts, we recommend increasing the number of days you exfoliate per week.

Ideally, you should aim to exfoliate your skin three times per week with a physical exfoliant such as an exfoliating scrub which will effectively scrub away dead skin cells and excess oil to reveal the new layer of skin cells underneath.

Summer Sun - How to Care for Your Skin in the Hotter Months

Apply Sunscreen When Out In The Sun

Before you step out into the sun, you must apply sunscreen or sunblock onto your skin. These products are designed to protect the skin from sun damage by absorbing or reflecting the UV rays from sunlight. Therefore, sunscreen can help prevent the effects of sun damage which include premature ageing and skin cancer. As a rule of thumb, you should lather your sunscreen generously every two hours on all areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun.

Apply a Vitamin C Serum After Cleansing The Skin

In addition to applying sunscreen, applying a vitamin c serum after cleansing and before moisturizing the skin will provide an added layer of protection against the sun. Vitamin C is a popular skincare ingredient widely known for its anti-ageing properties and its ability to brighten the skin. Therefore, it can help correct sun spots and discolouration that may occur due to sun exposure while promoting the production of collagen to keep the skin looking young and healthy. However, it’s important that sunscreen is applied following the application of a vitamin C serum. The latter increases your skin’s sensitivity to the sun despite protecting it against sun damage.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated

The most considerable risk to your health and your skin during the hotter months is dehydration. It can result in skin that is dry, flaky, and looks dull. The cheapest and most effective way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids. However, if you want to ensure your skin is as hydrated as possible, you may want to consider adding a water-based moisturizer to your skincare routine. Such products contain hydrating and moisture-retaining ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which keep your skin looking healthy and supple.

Sunlight can benefit your health in many ways, particularly by helping your body produce vitamin D. However, the UV rays can also damage the skin, which is why you should follow the above tips to ensure that your skin is protected and cared for during the summer months.


About the Author

Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.