Under the watchful eyes of prince Harry and the Duke of Cambridge, one of Audi’s latest cars was unveiled to the 300 VIP guest attending this year’s Audi Polo Challenge 2017. This car does not carry passengers and it weighs only 35 kilos, it is the Audi lunar quattro. This Moon rover had last Thursday its red carpet debut starring in the latest Alien franchise, Alien: Covenant.

Audi Moon Rover - Heads To The Moon Literally!

The Audi moon rover on display at the Audi Polo Challenge 2017 Coworth Park.

The Audi Quattro Mission to the Moon – Moon Rover Robot

The Audi brand has been involved in many movies, becoming the car of choice for billionaire playboy Robb Stark in the “Iron Man” franchise and the brand also featured heavily in the movie “I Robot” with Will Smith battling artificial intelligence in the year 2035. On May 19, Audi will share the big screen with Michael Fassbender, Billy Crudup and Danny McBride, but none of these actors will be behind the wheel. Instead, the German automaker has built an unmanned moon rover that will make its debut in “Alien: Covenant.”Dubbed the “Lunar Quattro,” the only way it resembles an Audi is via the logo, the Audi Quattro technology and the four wheels. Actually, the three cameras make it look much more like an upgraded version of Wall-E. However this vehicle is more than only material for movies, it will actually make its way to the moon in 2018.

Interview With Karsten Becker

MenStyleFashion had the privilege to interview Karsten Becker from German Engineering firm Part-Time Scientists who worked in partnership with Audi to built the lunar rover. This lunar rover which is equipped with a solar panel, 360 degrees rotating cameras, Audi E-tron engine and 3D-printed components will make a mission to go to the location of the Apollo 17 lunar rover to examine its condition.

The Apollo 17 Lunar rover, what will it look like 46 years later.

The Apollo 17 Lunar rover, what will it look like 46 years later.

In 2018, a Spaceflight Inc. rocket will deliver two Audi Quattros to the moon, said Karsten Becker, Audi Part – Time – Scientists GmbH, in this exclusive interview. When asked why a car company was setting its sights beyond Earth, Becker repeatedly cited “innovation.” “It’s in the Audi DNA to be innovative.”