
David Beckham Has Been Unveiled As The New Face of Jaguar in China

The image of David Beckham sitting behind the wheel of a top sports car is not a difficult one to imagine. The former England footballer has, as many footballers do, amassed a collection of top sports cars that any collector could be proud of.

It comes as no surprise then that Beckham has been announced as the face of Jaguar in China and stars in a new marketing video for the iconic car manufacturer.

British Lions Roar

China’s ever booming economy and their love for luxury western products sees this as a move which makes sense for both parties. David, as part of brand Beckham has been growing his branding portfolio since quitting football last year, especially in Asia where he is idolised. Jaguar too are keen to be a part of the Asian buying boom and by teaming up with Beckham, it sees two British brands join forces for mutual gain. Beckham’s relationship with luxury brands combined with Jaguar’s style and tradition make this an ideal partnership for the Chinese market. This is well seen in the new promotional video which has been released.


The video, directed by Matthew Vaughn of X-Men First Class fame sees Beckham drive in a number of different cars from Jaguar’s illustrious history. He first hops into a classic Jaguar racing car in black and white before the focus shifts to newer models in colour taking in idyllic scenery and chic cityscapes. Finally, the action switches to London where Beckham is seen heading a formation of the latest Jaguar range before announcing “never stop achieving.” The video is slick, sophisticated and very British.

The British Invasion

The move from Jaguar to target the Chinese market is helped by the love of British products by the Chinese. Other luxury British brands such as Burberry and Alexander McQueen have also been keen to capitalise on China as a key sales outlet. The British Government itself has moved to make it easier for affluent Chinese nationals to come and shop in the UK, such is the importance of Chinese retail tourism to the economy.

Jaguar is most certainly an iconic British brand and has been keen to highlight its heritage through recent marketing campaigns. Bringing brand Beckham on board definitely increases the company’s chance to do well in the Chinese market and further Britain’s aspirations to conquer its retail sector.

And, with the track record of the pair considered, this is sure to be a successful British partnership abroad.

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