We all know Ryan Gosling (henceforth known as “the Gos”), he of “hey girl” meme notoriety. But I’m not here to talk about why the Gos is so popular and revered, that’s another article for another day. Today I’m here to talk about his style and the things we can learn from the way he dresses.

With all of the celebrity photos out there we can often draw parallels between celebrities and from there, determine trends.

Celebrities are typically dressed by others so what you see them wearing isn’t necessarily their style, and it shows. You can tell when people are uncomfortable in their own skin. Second, everyone is looking for a way to differentiate themselves so everyone is trying to look “different” and “alternative.” This generally means they’re trying too hard and what they’re wearing looks disjointed and out of balance.

Every now and then, however, someone bucks the trend and dresses in a way that actually represents the man, not the celebrity. Over time we’ve seen this in icons like Steve McQueen, Daniel Craig, James Dean, et al.

And this brings us to the Gos, because I think he belongs in this group.

The Elements That Make The Gos So Damn Stylish


I think what really separates the Gos from everyone else, and this is the important piece of advice to take away here, is that he chooses clothes that he knows suit him. His style is fairly reserved, he wears lots of neutral colours (here, here and here).

2 - ryan gosling suits

Image Credit: the confused dasher

He doesn’t wear leather pants or pink suits because he knows that’s not what suits him. There’s nothing wrong with leather pants or pink suits either, should that be your thing, so long as you’re confident and that’s your style. However, simplicity will help the vast majority of men, when working on their individual style.


Arguably the most important style element is fit. If your clothes don’t fit, it’s going to look awful. This is true for jeans, suits, t-shirts and buttons downs alike. If you get everything else wrong, make sure you get the fit right. As Ryan Gosling shows us, nothing is classier than a suit that fits perfectly.

3 - Ryan Gosling Green Suit

Image Credit: Beautelicious


The common thread between all of the style icons we listed above is the ease and confidence they have, no matter what they wear. Ryan Gosling certainly falls into this category.


Image Credit: The Wondrous

Nailing the first two points will instantly make you more confident, that’s a guarantee. If you came here looking for a specific type of jacket or pants that the Gos prefers, well I apologize for not providing you with those details. I think that often the things that make guys like the Gos so stylish is nailing the basics. This becomes incredibly easy when you’re wearing clothing that fits well and doesn’t beg for attention.