Fur coats for men fake vintage men

Fur Coats For Men

Choosing your fur coat is not an easy task. It’s controversial and on my GracieOpulanza.com site is where I get the most heated fashion debates of them all. Why am I talking about it? Well it seems for this winter fur fashion has hit the men’s catwalks. How flattering is a fur coat on a guy. Well I adore it, but it’s about how much fur or fake fur a man chooses to wear is the question here. The collections coming out now are from one extreme to the other. It’s fur all the way or just a coat with fur collar trimmings. So this article is to inspire you to choose what ever you feel rocks your boat.

Fur Jackets Full Length

The thing with fur coats are, they are there for everyone to notice you. They are a huge fashion statement. I did wonder if there is a difference between a women’s fur coat and a men’s. Why do I choose to wear a fur coat, because they are amazingly warm, feel wicked and they are a statement piece for sure. For me and from my research of vintage fur coats , I can’t tell the difference at all when it comes to shape and design. So don’t limit yourself into the man’s section at all, especially if your are on the smaller side. Certain body shapes need to be considered here. My advice I would give out to any man or women is, if you’re are a well built person I would stay away from big fur coats and go for a more slimming effect. Depending on your height I would not choose a coat that is more coat than you. So go for a knee high lengths one or a coat that just cover your buttocks.

Colours and Patterns

Choosing your colour will either drain your complexion or enhance it. So the only way you can tell if it’s right for you is trying on lots of them. This is also regarding the shape, pattern and design cut. Fur coats are just like trying on shoes. If it feels good and looks good then it’s the one. Take your time on this as there are so many fur coats just hanging in a wardrobe because the purchase was impulsive. If you don’t feel comfortable in one, then don’t buy it.

What To Wear With Your Fur Coat

Jeans look silly and anything casual forget about it. This is about luxury statement, everything flamboyant is the key. What ever your colour is regarding your fur then choose deeper rich trousers or suits. As for fabrics, shimmery trousers and big chunky boots. This is about a masculine statements at best. Layering is the key underneath your fur coat. Because when you walk out from the cold in doors my gosh you will burn up a sweat in no time.

Fur Trimming Coats

Zara, Topman and H.E Mango are opting for a more gentle approach and they have in stock now coats with fake fur trimmings. What I mean by that is that the fur is either on a hooded jacket or collar. It’s a nice introduction to those that like the concept but not sure where to go with it. Trench coats with fur trimmings look fabulous and are perfect for business wear walking to the office.

Fashion-conscious And Compassionate People

I will warn you now from experience, expect many looks, touches and even abuse. This fabric is not for the fainted hearted. Fake Fur and Real Fur how to tell the difference. Now you can choose fake fur or the real thing it’s all down to you and a huge debate for sure.

Fashion-conscious and compassionate people wouldn’t be caught dead in fur these days. But that can present a problem – just how do you get rid of those unwanted furs?

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