Gucci Boots - black alligator -2012

Knee High Boots for Men

Creative, artistic and confident people need to take on the  Lenny Kravitz and Adam Lambert attitude towards knee high wedge boots. In fact these two have started the high boot trend for men this winter. The key here is they are not afraid about what anyone else thinks. Embracing knee high boots is all about you making a statement to anyone watching. The tricky task is you need to consider your outfit, so it matches the boots image.

What do Knee High Boots State?

I’m noticing on-line shoe stores themselves hardly carry any tall boots for men. But thanks to Gucci and Gareth Pugh that is slowly changing? We mainly associate and see tall boots on men at the changing of the guards through out Europe. Men wearing knee high boots state individuality and having an attitude of taking on the rest of the world. Knee high boots this winter is all about walking, and in this case a lot of fashion talking. If for nothing more than men showing us women his predator side of things that alone is worth seeing a new trend on the streets this fall.

How to wear Knee high Boots?

Whatever your knee high boot looks like, think about what your image is all about. Do you want to be a rock star or do you want the military look. Choose cropped mess jackets with brass buttons and high boots to complete the cavalry look. All the labels have just placed military jackets in stores, make sure you choose the one that looks good on you. Always choose black trousers, not jeans. Make sure the trousers are tight and fitted. In fact black should be only the colour chosen when wearing knee high boots.

Please send us an image of your knee high boot look for this winter.

Singer Adam Lambert attends Prince concert in knee-high boots

Adam Lambert wearing knee high boots at Prince concert recently

Men Style Fashion - knee-high boots 2013

How men are wearing knee high boots right now for winter

men wearing high boots

Knee high boots hit the high street for 2012

Lenny Kravitz - wearing knee-high boots

Lenny Kravitz is killing it with these knee high wedge boots

Knee-high boots for men 2012

Embrace knee high boots this 2012

Gareth Pugh - Aileron Black White.

Gareth Pugh Aileron Black White shows how knee high boots can rock this 2012

Men and knee-high boots

It’s all about your boot attitude