Kit Neale - London Collections Men

Kit Neale

London Collections: Men - Jan 2013“Having run through references such as the garden allotment and Margate meets Peckham in previous collections, this year Kit Neale AW13 brings us back to the eccentricity of British Establishments such as the local pub and the greasy spoon cafe.

Inspired by a scene in the film Hail The New Puritans by Charles Atlas starring Michael Clarke and the late Leigh Bowery, in which they are situated in a psychedelic bar, a kaleidoscope of references emerge. The contrast and clash of the vivid colours throughout this scene have inspired the prints for this season.

Questioning the role of landmarks, such as the ones mentioned above, in communities and how they bring together the diverse range of cultures in Britian today, Kit Neale has pulled together an eclectic collection combing traditional shapes with trippy prints.

The energy from the movements of Michael Clarke’s dance is evident throughout each look and is combined with the detailing found in the boozy corners and crevices of a grimey British establishment.”

The above text is copied straight from the press release text, as I did not think I could have worded it better. This collection leaves me asking once again, does this represent the man on the high street, walking the streets of Britain?

Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013


Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013

Kit Neale him self

Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013


Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013


Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013


Kit Neale - London Collections: Men 2013