Aqua Wellness Resort is situated in a lush tropical forest natural setting within a private beach cove on the Nicaragua’s ‘Emerald Coast’ on the Pacific just north of Costa Rica. A secluded and peaceful natural setting ideal for a relaxing beach holiday, yoga, meditation and spa treatments that nourish the soul. Aqua is only two-hours from Nicaragua’s international airport by car, or 20 minutes by helicopter.

MenStyleFashion had the opportunity to experience this natural wonder and I’d like to tell you all about it!


The Resort Mission

During lunch on our first day, we were joined by the General Manager to talk about Aqua Wellness Resort’s mission and aims in providing a service that is unique and valuable to its customers. From the long conversation we had with him, we totally saw the passion and the personality of the place which even started to change the way we experienced the resort. Aqua Resort is completely focused on wellness and a good state of mind. The resort is heavily influenced by relaxation, yoga and stress free activity. Everything they aim to do at the resort from beginning to end revolves around enhancing mental and physical well-being.


The Room

We were staying in the Espavel Luxury Suite for one night. The suite was located up the hill in the trees and is known as being one of the ‘tree-houses’ which I thought made the whole thing way more awesome. The Tree house consisted of two floors; the bottom floor being the kitchen and living area while the top floor consisted of the bedroom and bathroom areas. We were also given a beautiful wooden balcony overlooking the cove with a mini pool and two rocking chairs.

Shower room-Bottom-Floor Room room-over-balcony

You’ll see from the imagery that most everything is made from wood which gave a real sense of being in the jungle in addition to looking great. Go back and take a look at the shower which was also completely wooden! This was probably my favorite feature in the room itself.


The Staff

I don’t know if you’ve ever travelled and stayed in a hotel where no-one speaks English. If you have, you’ll know what a hassle it can be trying to resolve any issues that may arise. Well, this type of thing happens a lot in Nicaragua, having one of the lowest English speaking percentages in the world. So when you come to find that every staff member speak a high level of English, this place becomes a whole lot more appealing.


Apart from language, the staff are completely helpful in assisting you with everything you may need or anticipate needing. Whenever we needed them, they were there. What more could you ask for?

The Service

It’s one thing to have good staff, but to provide good service too is something else. Wherever we were located, the room, the beach, the restaurant, if we needed something it would be provided. I loved this and it really took away any holiday stresses one might have like “ugh I’ve got to walk 100 yards to get a drink!?” although totally unreasonable, this is about the only stressful thing you’d experience at the resort and it only ever reaches the thought stage as it’s provided to you. Pretty great.

The Beach

I don’t know what it is, but beaches are something I am very critical about. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty particular about how I like my beaches (No pun intended). This beach was unique in that it was a cove almost completely surrounded but for a relatively small opening out into the ocean. There is an extreme sense of seclusion from the world here. We were even told that when the resort is at maximum capacity, it feels like no one else is around. This is right up my street.

The soft white sand with the soft crashing of waves fit my criteria for an ideal beach.

Beach-2 Beach

The Food

What you fill your bellies with is often a customers main source of excitement when coming to a new place. I think it’s very hard for a restaurant to stand out in general. I challenge you to think of one restaurant that truly stands out in your mind and question why it stands out. For me, the Aqua Restaurant ‘Onda’ stood out in a way I hadn’t expected. 80% of a typical menu features dishes that are meat based and the other 20% is reserved for the occasional vegetarian. This menu strives to include far more health related options by incorporating and filling the menu with an equal amount of meat based meals, gluten free meals, vegetarian meals and more! The menu is completely aimed at health and well being.

Let me tell you, as a complete lover of good food, it was divine.


The Activities

I’ll touch on the activities briefly even though I didn’t get to experience any of them first hand due to lack of time. On the beach, you’ll find a man in a hut surrounded by paddle boards, kayaks and snorkels. For anyone staying at the resort, all of these activities are included in your room price. I was expecting to have to pay an additional $5 to use them for an hour (like most beach resorts in Nicaragua) but I was happily surprised to find there was no extra cost.

The Price

So anyway, let’s get down to the ‘nittygritty’ (reference to Nacho Libre) and talk about the pricing.

I’m going to start by advising you not to come here for one or two days only! Come for at least 3 full days. You simply can’t experience the resort to its fullest being here only for one or two days. You want to be able to experience the spa, the beach, the activities, the yoga and different food to truly leave the resort having experienced true relaxation. I’m going to tell you now, if you go for one or two nights, it’s going to be expensive. You’re looking at $425.00 per night. 

If you’re going to stay for longer, it starts to become much more worth it. You’re looking at half the daily price. For me, this now becomes something I would invest in; spending more time taking in the resort and truly relaxing.

Honourable Mentions

I wanted to post a few pictures of things that you’ll see at this resort during your stay. Two of them are in the animal kingdom; Monkeys and Baby Turtles. Need I say more?

Monkey Turtle

You also get your very own cell phone for the duration of your stay that you can use to contact any department of the resort at any time! A pretty cool touch!

