
Smart Casual

The pit fall that I see many professionals fall in to when it comes to dress down days in the office, is dressing poorly.  Dress down days usually go one of two ways:

The “comfy” look – This usually involves the person arriving in baggy jeans/jogging bottoms and an oversized T-Shirt. Although this might be comfortable, there is a reason you don’t wear these clothes out of your house usually.

How not to dress down on a friday

How not to dress down on a friday

The “look at me” look – This look is usually the result of somebody trying to flaunt their latest purchases, whether they are appropriate or not.

What To Aim For

Dress down days are the same now as they were in high school, everybody will be eyeing up what you wear. You can create the best impression by keeping it simple and professional. My recommendation would be:


T-Shirt – go for a plain coloured tee, avoiding loud prints and t-shirts you would normally wear to bed.


Avoid baggy jeans and extremely skinny jeans (e.g. spray on fit); I usually opt for slim fit jeans. Also opt for darker coloured jeans, light and stone washed jeans appear too casual for the office.


Again go for plain colours when picking a cardigan. Avoid bright over the top colours selecting neutral tones.


Use your best judgement here, your beaten up running shoes aren’t the best choice. Keeping it professional doesn’t mean you have to ditch your trainers completely, but again keep it simple.


Some people forget although it may be casual Friday, you are still at work. This article is particularly important for young professionals trying to get ahead in the workplace. Your colleagues probably won’t take you seriously if you go in every Friday looking like you’re ready for bed or a night out.

Great Smart Casual Look

Great Smart Casual Look