BWGH-French Fashion

French Fashion For Men

It is no secret that the French are renowned for their elegant refinery when it comes to fashion. There is a tangible sense of sophistication in the way the debonair Frenchman dresses; those crisp white shirts, tailored trousers or chinos, loafers with no socks adding a dash of Gallic flair to their sartorial grace. The French are known for their sense of classicism, a wardrobe which errs on the side of caution but does it with such aplomb it becomes dashing rather than stale.

However, while the general consensus does still lend itself towards this classic mode of dress and the behemoths such as Saint Laurent, Lanvin and Dior will always hold sway with their historical importance, a new breed of French brands are slowly cutting a swathe through the fashion world.

With the rise of street style in the past few years, there has been a small yet significant move towards brands creating an aesthetic which lends itself towards the urban playground and the French fashion fraternity have been quick to capitalise on this market.

Street style has become key to the way brands market themselves in the modern market place and the French brands who have seized on this opportunity have managed to create a contemporary look while at the same juncture retaining those slender silhouettes and refined tailoring the French will always be famous for.

Here’s a quick look at three of the hottest brands coming out of France at the moment.

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