Movember Moustache

Ok, first things first, I have a confession to make. I cheated. I didn’t start clean-shaven. There, I said it and while it still makes me a cheat, my conscience at least feels the better for it. And at least by the month’s end, I might actually be able to see the few blonde hairs sprouting from my top lip.

I’m talking about Movember of course; that time of year when us gents embrace our facial hair in the battle against testicular and prostate cancer.

While the beard has come back into vogue in recent years – you can not wander down the street without a hipster, tattoo artist or graphic designer sporting some form of gargantuan facial ensemble – the moustache has remained very much its poor cousin…until Movember opens its door and the ‘tache takes an honourable spot in the limelight.

Of course, it often depends on your personal facial growth as to which ‘tache you will sport – I am stuck with a moustache that resembles a fighter pilot circa 1940 – and over the course of the month I shall be giving updates on how my own moustache is but in the meantime, here are some options you may wish to trial as the month progresses.

Get growing, trimming and pruning gents and raise awareness of testicular and prostate cancer in the process Gentlemen unite!

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