Polar Balance is more than a smart scale. Hook it up with a Polar activity tracker and the free Polar Flow health and fitness app and make it simple to manage what you eat and how you exercise. I managed to get hold of one of these Smart Scales and the following will both describe the features and provides you with my own opinion from personal experiences and testing.



Advanced Activity Goal

This provides a personalised daily activity goal to help you reach your goal weight, automatically updated and displayed on the wrist unit. This is a feature I’ve really only been using casually as weight loss isn’t my aim. I am currently training for a marathon and so I’m really just interested in seeing how my weight changes during this training.

Having used this feature for about 2 months now, I can say that it could be the single most impressive feature depending on your aims. If your goal is to lose weight, the Activity Goal couldn’t be easier to check and is also created to measure with pinpoint accuracy. When seen online through Polar’s website, you can track your weight, make notes, add food eaten and be right on top of your progress. Visually and physically effective.


Weight Trend

Follow your weight trends via the Polar Flow web service and app. Learn how your weight changes over time, and how your everyday actions and habits affect it. I mentioned this briefly in the last paragraph but it really does deserve its own. For me, this feature is very pleasing for my mind as I can visually see all of my hard work and commitment displayed perfectly on a screen. It also serves as a great motivational boost for me as I’m able to see my improvement almost immediately.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Follow your body mass index (BMI) in the Polar Flow web service and app. See your progress and get the motivation you need to effectively manage your weight. At this point, most of us have had a BMI reading as it has been talked about for years now as being a way to broadly measure your physical health. Over time, you’ll have to weight yourself on a special BMI scale or do some crazy maths to figure it out yourself.


This feature isn’t necessarily amazing and unique, but it’s certainly convenient and trustworthy. If the scales didn’t have this feature, the product would certainly lose a valuable feature.

Multiple Users

Weighs the whole family. The scale can be used by up to 10 different people. I was personally unable to test this to see if a full 10 people could use it, but I’m just going to trust that it can! I only tested it with three other people and it worked just fine for each person and an individual. Couldn’t ask for more than that! It’s just good to know that if you were to go in with some of your roommates or flatmates, you could all use it basically as your very own personal set of scales.

Compatible Products


If you’re looking at buying a Polar Balance (which I strongly recommend), it’s important to know which products are compatible with it. Youre’ able to connect any of the following devices with the Polar Balance:

  • Polar Loop 2
  • Polar Loop Crystal
  • Polar Loop
  • A300
  • A360
  • M400
  • V800

For added accuracy, you can connect your H7 Heart Rate Monitor and track everything to the nth degree using the Polar Flow Web App. To supplement your Balance, Polar Flow and Heart Rate Monitor, you can also add MyFitnessPal to the app in order to track every calorie you take on! Going all the way with Polar seriously covers you on all bases.

If you’re interested in the specifics about the technology used in the Balance, see the Specs below. If you’re not that interested, scroll down to see my final conclusion.



Max weighing capacity 180 kg / 397.8lb
Weight display resolution 0,1 kg / 0.2 lb
Operating temperatures 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)
  • Easy wireless sync via Polar Flow app with Bluetooth® Smart
  • Bluetooth® Smart
  • Polar Flow web service compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 or later and PC Windows XP, 7, 8
    UI languages in Polar Flow: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Italian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese


I am a marathon runner in the making (2/4 months in) and I find the Polar Balance Smart Scales to be extremely useful in tracking my progress. It’s important to know that I’m even saying that when tracking my weight is not my primary use for the scale! The important thing here is the holistic use of Polar. Whether it’s the Balance Scales, its activity trackers or heart rate monitors, Polar offer such a well-rounded service, that honestly, I don’t want to change to another brand!

I truly believe that Polar and its supplemental products WILL put you in a position to succeed at losing weight, gaining muscle or just becoming healthier.

You can find photos of my unboxing below.

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