It’s said that you are happier and richer when you spend money on experiences rather than on material things. Tours and trips open more windows for you to gather experiences and collect memories.

When it comes to traveling, what comes next after planning a tour is packing. Of course, what you will take and how big your suitcase will be will depend on your destination, the weather you expect, the length and type of your trip, your itinerary, the mode of your transportation, etc.

But there are some basic packing hacks you need to know and may miss out on if you are an occasional traveler or have lately taken up an interest in traveling.

1. Make a List

Don’t you always make plans of your own in your head when you plan a trip with your friends or family? Keep those plans in mind and make a mental list of items you have to take with you.

Later on, write them and prioritize according to your plans. Always write down the small items you have a chance of forgetting later. It will help you pack easily and in a more organized way.

2. Take Things Out First

Once you have made a list, take things out accordingly and lay them on your bed before stacking them in your bag. It will make you more organized and clear as to what you are supposed to take and what you have missed in your planning phase.

Packing List Travel

3. Carry-On Rather than Dragging On!

Carrying large and heavy suitcases make it more difficult to travel. So it’s very important to choose a lightweight but sturdy backpack to make travelling convenient and easy.

In order to choose the best travel backpack, you can opt for the multipurpose ones. They come in expandable and convertible forms hence it’s easier to match one according to your needs.

4. Be Selective about Clothes

Now, this is the most important point!

While packing clothes, choose the fabrics that dry quickly and don’t wrinkle easily, such as silk, microfibers, and nylon. Instead of taking single clothes, take them in sets, such as two t-shirts with one pair of compatible pants.

Always keep your itinerary in mind while packing clothes. It will save you from the hassle of overpacking.

You’ll probably want to carry a lot of different items with you on your trips and tours, so you should consider taking cargo pants if you don’t want to carry a bag all the time.

You can also think of packing jersey shorts instead of underpants so that you don’t have to pack extra shorts.

5. Keep it Rolling!

Roll your clothes instead of folding them. An old military trick comes in handy most while packing for a trip. Just fold your clothes halfway like you always do and then, roll them like a burrito.

It will not only keep your clothes wrinkle-free but also save space for more clothes.

6. Pack Shoes Carefully

While packing footwear, take only the pairs you cannot do without, and take the light ones.

How to best fit your socks in? Roll them by pairs and place them inside the shoes. You can put 2 or 3 pairs inside one shoe. Then, pack the shoes in a plastic bag to avoid getting dirt on your clothes. You can also use shower caps instead of plastic bags.

7. Scale Down on Packing Toiletries

While packing cosmetics or toiletries, always take them in sachets, mini packs, or sample sizes. That will save you from the risk of spilling or leaking and will have you packing only as much as you need.

8. Make Things Stay Put

Use organizer bags or packing cubes for your different belongings. They come color-coded and in different sizes and shapes for accessories, clothes, shoes, etc. They will keep the things ‘all of the same kind together’ and exactly where you put them.

9. Use Silica Gels in Your Bag

Remember the little packs with silica grains you found in your shoebox? Don’t throw them away. Use the silica gels throughout your backpack, and most importantly in the little pouches and organizers you use for your electronic gadgets.

These will soak up the humidity and keep your sensitive devices fresh.


10. Keep All the Wires Bagged

Keep everything with loose cables and wires (earphones, chargers, data cables, etc.) in an empty sunglasses case. You can also use a large binder clip to keep your earphones from tangling itself. That way, the cables will not become tangled and also won’t suffer damage easily.

11. Prepare for the Worst

Always remember to keep some first-aid medicines and regularly used pills in your backpack while. Accidents never come with a warning. Have a go-to health kit for emergency situations, such as a sudden fever, food poisoning, bug bites, a headache, light burns, etc.


12. Don’t Pack Books

While going on a tour, don’t pack books. Books are heavy and take up a lot of space in your bag! But that doesn’t mean you will not read. If you are a reader, try using eBooks or PDFs while traveling. You can also try audiobooks while relaxing on the beach or on the couch.

13. Keep a Ready-to-Go Bag

If you are an avid traveler, then you might consider keeping a ready-to-go bag always stocked so that you don’t have to go through the hassle of packing every time you plan a trip. This idea comes in most handy for toiletries and cosmetics.

Final Thoughts

Even after all these precautionary tips, you may just forget something. Don’t be afraid if you forget some important items in this process of packing light; rather try roughing it! What is a trip without some adventures! Remember, you want to focus on the bare minimum while packing for a trip. Don’t be a high-maintenance person and take everything you lay your eyes on while packing.

It’s of no use if you have to load your bag with all the necessary stuff and then have to sit on your suitcase to zip it. Go with the ‘less is more’ lifestyle.