I got an e-mail saying that men’s underwear sales rocketed by 28% last year. Recently Selfridges has given its men’s underwear department an extra 20% floor space. What is influencing this trend? David Beckham and David Gandy, not to mention the gorgeous Oliver Cheshire certainly look amazing in their underwear campaigns. However, taking a closer look. It dawned on me. Why is men’s underwear on average still very safe and boring? Are men still clueless when it comes to underwear fun?

Men are always complaining they are not getting enough? Ever wondered why? Could it be the lack of imagination in the design of your underwear? Guys go gaga at girls lingerie. Victoria Secret comes to mind. If you have not been to the London Bond street store then you need to head down there and understand what I mean.  It looks amazing. The lingerie choice is mind-blowing.  The corsets and the window display let the imagination go wild.

Have you considered that the corset is not for comfort! It’s all about spicing it up. So why can’t a man’s bedroom underwear be a lot more adventurous? Why can’t a man have an option to wear other forms of underwear both in style and design? I love to feel and wear soft, comfortable underwear. But somehow it’s not being reciprocated.

Why are the designers not thinking from a women’s perspective? Yes, guys, we are noticing your underwear. We want to imagine what’s under that three-piece suit?  We value what you wear and we are simply bored with what we are seeing.

Dull Underwear

In most campaigns, they advertise luxury men’s underwear. Sorry, but a white boxer shorts or underwear is nothing short of same old same old. Nothing luxury about that. Advertising shows dull underwear spiced up with a six-pack, this has been going on for 20 years ever since Calvin Klein started this sort of advertising.

  • Calvin Klein – Forever and a day white and black and that big thick elastic label.  Move on.
  • Dolce & Gabbana – The only thing I want when it comes to its underwear, is David Gandy himself.
  • H&M – No doubt David and his tattoos are a lot more interesting than the underwear itself.
  • ZARA – They change the colors and patterns often that should be praised. When it comes to quality forget about durability. In no time at all, it’s a saggy butt syndrome.

Great Underwear Labels

Why We Need a Change

Victoria Secret - Underwear for women bond street London

Victoria Secret – Underwear for women bond street London. Now, why is there not a store like this promoting men’s underwear? Women don’t want to feel let alone look at the same old boring design undies. To anyone out there. Get creative, get designing because there is a niche in the market when it comes to men’s underwear.

“For men’s character clothing popular can help”

David Gandy - Dolce & Gabbana underwear

David Gandy Dolce & Gabbana

Oliver Cheshire - Male underwear

Oliver Cheshire