There’s plenty to think about when you’re ready to propose. You’ve planned what you’ll say, where you’ll go and every other intricate detail – but what about the ring? This crucial detail is something many future brides and grooms dream of, so it’s essential that you get it right. As pressurising and stressful as it sounds, there are a variety of ways you can ensure you pick the perfect ring for your loved one. One way of doing so is by inviting them along to pick out the ring. Not sure if this is the right choice for you? Here are the pros and cons of going engagement ring shopping as a pair.


You know She’ll like it

Taking your loved one to find a silver or platinum engagement ring definitely takes the pressure away from the big decision. You don’t have to worry about getting it wrong and seeing the look of disappointment when you open the ring box. There will be no doubt about the pick, you’ll know it is the ring she’ll want to wear for life. Of course, you could ask their loved ones or look at their jewellery collection to get a taste of their style if you aren’t keen on taking your partner with you.


A Guaranteed Fit

As well as knowing it’ll look good, going engagement ring shopping ensures you get the right size. There’s nothing more awkward than sliding a ring onto your now-fiances finger only to realise it’s far too small. While you could bring one of their rings along with you, it can be tricky to get an accurate reading of their ring size if they don’t wear them often. There are many other ways of finding out your partner’s ring size in secret, but none of them will be as accurate as taking them along to try each ring out.

Limited Stress

What could be easier than picking out the ring together? Enjoy this moment with limited stress by sharing the responsibility. You can take your time browsing the selection, trying on a variety of choices before finally deciding on the perfect ring. This is a particular benefit if you know your future bride or groom wants to be in control rather than having the decision made for them. You have plenty of other details to organise when it comes to proposing, so this is an excellent way of alleviating some of the stress.


Lack of Surprise

Proposals are typically one of the biggest surprises to experience, and many will expect the ring to be part of that. You’ll definitely have to make sure this is something your partner wants rather than assuming, or you may end up regretting it. To avoid this, you could get them a cheaper ‘for now’ placeholder promise ring until you can replace it with the real deal later.

Not Traditional

It may not be a tradition to take your partner ring shopping, but neither is living together before marriage, which most of us now do. However, you need to make sure a surprise ring is a tradition your partner is happy to pass up, otherwise, they won’t be happy. This may be something you want to discuss well in advance so the actual proposal is still a surprise. Some people wouldn’t want you to get down on one knee without a ring while others will love picking out their own. If you know your partner very well, you’ll be able to make this decision easily, otherwise, ask their close friends to drop some hints to get their opinion.

Pushy Salespeople

You can be confident in your budget when you go alone, but there’s no hiding from salesmen when you’re with your partner. While most salespeople are respectable, you may end up getting pushed into spending more as they ask if you want the best of the best for your partner. Of course, you do, but that doesn’t mean you have an extra few thousand to splash out in the biggest diamond in the shop.


Whatever you decide to do, your partner is guaranteed to adore the chosen ring as long as you’ve put thought into it.