Cambridge-Satchel - British Red White and Blue

Small Things have the BIGGEST Effect

With the hype of London Collections: Men now fading slowly away, it’s important to keep an eye on what you’re wearing and how to keep up with the latest styles. Looking good is not just for special occasions. Do you want to impress the boss or the hot girl on your morning train? Or do you just want to feel good about how you’re looking? Here are a few tips on how to make the biggest impact with just a few small things.

The Handkerchief

The handkerchief is classic, sophisticated and damn right sexy. A handkerchief is a small token all-too-often over-looked when composing your style in the morning but makes a massive difference. Too often do I see people in the City whose looks have been totally compromised by a lack of such a small accessory! A simple patterned silk handkerchief from a store such as Liberty London gives your style that extra something when loosely tucked in to your breast pocket.

TOPMAN street style pocket Handkerchief

The Bag

There’s nothing girly about spending a little more time and money choosing the right bag to match your outfit. The Cambridge Satchel Company is a great example of affordable, but good looking bags that will go with a variety of styles. Make sure the bag you choose matches what you’re wearing.

Cambridge Satchel company

The Jewellery

Jewellery is another, simple way of making you stand out from the crowd. Having a good watch, bracelet or necklace is a transferable accessory that, if you know how to wear it, can go with a number of outfits. This applies at work, home or on your way out on a Friday night.

Adam necklace silver for men - London Collections Men

For this, simple is sophisticated. Choose a plain silver or gold piece that you can wear, like this necklace from Burt and Gurt.