Surfing is said to have originated in Hawaii and has spread across the globe like wildfire since it’s conception. If you are someone that doesn’t know what surfing is then where have you been? Surfing is the act of riding a wave in the ocean on a large board. There’s an enormous culture that goes with the sport and you’ll know a surfer when you meet one as they tend to be very laid back, calm, and chilled out. That is until they get in the water and start riding the waves! If it’s something you’re thinking of getting into then there are a few things you should think about first, where you’re going to surf, what you’re going to wear and the best bit, buying your first surfboard. There are a few hurdles to jump so let us take a look at some factors you should consider before buying your first surfboard.


When it comes to learning how to surf it’s safe to say it’s going to take you a while to get to grips with the whole situation, and most probably a while to get your muscles up to the standard needed. If there are ways to help yourself in these beginning stages then you should snap them up, right? Exactly, which is why it’s so confusing the number of times I’ve heard beginners recommended a shortboard being the best thing for them. Buy a longboard! The bigger the board the more balance you’re going to have on the water and the easier it’s going to be to catch waves for the first time.

longboard surf on the beach

What Does It Come With?

Everyone loves getting a good deal, but when you aren’t sure what a good deal is they’re impossible to spot. You’ll need a fin, a leash and board bag when starting out as it makes everything much easier to carry. The leash is there so you don’t have to swim half the ocean to get your board back, it’s always within the length of the leash. The general rule with this is that if you buy a 9ft board you should get a 9ft leash.

When it comes to buying surf equipment it’s best to shop for leading surf brands as they’re the best ones to go for. There isn’t any point in skimping out and buying something subpar when you’re going to head to the ocean and go to battle with the elements. Even with clothing, it’s better to buy a decent wetsuit that will last you for years than buying one that’s going to break 2 hours into using it for the first time.

What Material?

Surfboards are made from all kinds of material and some are denser than others. What it’s going to come down to when you’re starting is how easy it is to ride and how heavy they are. Starters should be going for foam or epoxy boards, the fibreglass boards are brilliant when you have a bit more experience but hurt when they hit you in the head which is going to happen a fair amount of times, to begin with.

The volume of the board is also important, essentially the more volume a surfboard has the easier it’s going to be to pop up and start riding a wave. Something around the 60+ will be perfect for an absolute beginner whereas the pros are using boards more toward the 24 marks.


Check The Board

If you have a salesman selling you a surfboard then you might want to check it over, just in case. However, if you have a surf enthusiast selling you your first surfboard then I would feel a little more at ease. The culture is inclusive of everyone and the common goal is for everyone to love and enjoy surfing as much as the next person. Dings and cracks are like having a broken bone to a surfboard and they won’t perform in the same way, so that’s why it’s important to check it over.

Scrape The Wax

It’s a common thing for someone to cover up marks or any damage on a surfboard with wax. If the previous owner is refusing to scrape off all the wax before you buy it then he is probably trying to rip you off, bail on the sale.

If you can buy a new surfboard then obviously you should do so, but there are plenty of people out there that are willing to help new surfers in their journey to riding a wave. Do as much research as you feel is necessary and ask questions, the surf community will be happy to help and answer any query you may have. Once you get your board, enjoy the following stages of learning!

volkswagen campervan stacked with surfboards