The novel coronavirus outbreak has put us in uniquely unfamiliar territory: the world of quarantine. As most of us find ourselves home-bound, the concept of travel seems like a far-off luxury in these new ways of living.

With current travel plans on hold, it is easy to let the mind wander, create plans of what to do and where to go when we are allowed to leave our homes. Planning for your next road trip can be a welcome, uplifting distraction from the crisis of the pandemic at hand. But while doing so, we need to remain realistic and keep some rules in mind.

If you, like us, are day-dreaming of sitting in your car and driving off to your next getaway, read on as we talk about a few things you need to prepare before for your first post-quarantine road trip.

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Make a Detailed Travel Plan

While spontaneous road trips are thrilling and adventurous, we need to tread with caution in a COVID-19 world. Our advice would be to plan your trip end to end before you decide to take off. After all, planning a trip is half the fun! Some things to consider are:

Destination – We suggest you start with shorter distances, to begin with instead of jumping on to 12-hour drives away from home. It would be best if you also researched the location you chose, to avoid traveling to any COVID hotspots. Pack some fun games, activities, and music to keep spirits high and engaged.

Travel Route – Once you know where you are going, plan the route to ensure you have adequate functioning gas stations along the way. This will ensure that you never run out of fuel. If you need to need to make pit stops be sure to check if hotels or restaurants on your route are open to business. Book all your rooms in advance with email confirmations to ensure that you are not stranded without lodging.

Travel Budget – An essential part of planning any trip is to decide on the budget you can spend on it. So before setting off, make sure you have your calculations in place so that you know how much to spend on petrol, food, accommodation, and activities. Always keep a buffer amount ready in case of emergencies. For example, being stranded in a town and having to spend the extra days of accommodation.

Have your RV Ready

RVs have always been a preferred choice of road trip vehicle, and now it’s even better time to put them to use since they are large enough to fit all your essentials and also allow for social distancing between passengers. Here are some ways to prep your vehicle before you set off.

Pre-Trip Checkup – If you have been staying at home and only leaving the house for essentials, there is a risk that it may have gotten impacted. Before you plan to head out for your next road trip, be sure to have your vehicle properly examined and ensure that everything is up and running to avoid any complications during your travels.

Pack Car Essentials – Pack all documentation, such as a driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance papers. You should make sure to store them in a safe and accessible place throughout your trip if local authorities ask to see them.

Other car essentials to be mindful of our spare tires and repair tools, especially if you are traveling long distances. In case you run into a flat tire, you can change it without having to call somebody and therefore reducing social interaction. Make sure to also throw in a first aid box so that you are prepared to handle any minor injuries along the way.

Ensure Clean Water Supply – Water is an essential road trip item to ensure you and your travel partners stay properly hydrated during the long stints of driving.

RVs have built-in access to water, which is an important feature; however, you need to make sure that the water supply coming in is fresh and clean. Unfiltered water could lead to contamination, and the last thing you want is to get sick on your trip from drinking dirty water.

So obtaining an RV water filter will make sure you have a clean, uninterrupted supply of water. This will eliminate your need to make stops at stations, minimizing your interaction with storekeepers, and reducing the risk of exposing yourself to the virus.

Pack Your Essentials

Before setting off, you need to make sure you keep everything that you need to make the journey fun and comfortable. Here are some basics to keep in mind:

Travel Pillows and Blankets – Roadtrips can be a tiring feat, so make sure to bring some comfort with you in the form of a travel pillow and blankets. In case you need to take breaks, you can use these items to take quick naps and get recharged for the rest of the journey. They will also prove extra handy in case you get stranded anywhere.

Cleaning Supplies – In a world where coronavirus prevails, you will need to keep supplies for sanitation handy throughout the trip. So stock up on essentials such as hand sanitizers, surface cleaners, gloves, and masks, and be sure to have enough for all passengers. You can go ahead and make sanitization kits for everyone that includes soaps, paper towels, disinfectants, and gloves. These will be very handy if you need to make pit stops along the way.

Generators – You should have a mini generator with you at all times to ensure that all your devices stay powered throughout the trip, especially for navigation devices. This is particularly useful in case you are stuck in an emergency. Even if you are not, generators are crucial to ensure your electronics remain charged and ready to use during the trip.

Parting Thoughts

While the idea of travelling feels very far away, your next road-trip will be the ideal way for you and your family to reconnect with the glories of nature after being stuck inside for so many months. Follow our ultimate guide before you leave, and we guarantee that you will have a wonderful time.

Have you recently gone on a road trip? What are some of your essential preparation steps? We would love to hear from you in the comment section below.