How we dress up immediately sends a message because how we look signals our aims. Dressing up casual can have benefits in making people more comfortable towards us depending on the situation.

Power dressing is appropriate for more formal occasions when you need to make a good impression. There is no wrong or right way to dress because it all depends on the event. Dress appropriately so you can send the right message not just with your behaviour and speech but also with your getup.

Casual Clothing: Pros & Cons

You may be aware of how some companies delegate only a certain day for casual. Dressing casually is super comfortable and casual is the choice of many on weekends and after office hours.

Casual attire in the office is said to have some benefits and most of it involves employee’s psychological well-being. Casual attire in the office is said to increase employee goodwill and morale.

Casual attire increases employee health because the clothes are relaxing so they will be driven to put all their energy into work. There is also an improvement in the social aspect with casual attire because employees are more likely to cooperate in team-building efforts and are encouraged to be more social.

All these effects in attitude will be beneficial to the productivity of a business. However, the disadvantages of casual clothing will be a loss of control. Customers may get a bad impression in an office where everyone wears casual because it seems to lack professionalism.

Casual attire may also cause casual attitudes toward work and workers may be less inclined to put in the necessary high standard in their output.


Luxury Clothing: Pros & Cons

Luxury clothing is simply the best when you can afford it. The impeccable quality and material of luxury clothing can hold for years to come. Luxury clothing is an investment that can guarantee you a long-lasting and top-notch quality piece of attire.

Luxury brands offer more than good tailoring. If you want to stand out or make an impression you can do this with the new designs that branded clothing offers. Luxury clothing is especially appropriate in important business dealings where formal outfits and power dressing are the norms to make a good impression.

There are quite a few disadvantages to luxury clothing and the number one consideration is the price. Top fashion brands can have astronomical price tags and there are certain occasions when the quality really doesn’t deliver.

Luxury brands are also harder to maintain and may require special dry cleaning or laundry services to maintain their look. Luxury clothing loses its appeal when it has gone out of style so even if you have nice branded clothing the appeal would not be as significant if it is last season’s styles.

Casual and Luxury - Where is the Balance? - The overcoat

How To Find The Balance For Everyday Life

Price, style, and quality are your primary consideration when purchasing apparel for any occasion. If you managed to find lesser-known brands which are top quality then it’s good to include them in your wardrobe. There are some things you should keep in mind when buying an outfit.

Do not buy for just one occasion. Have a versatile wardrobe that you can mix and match for any event. Often, you may be tempted to buy for one special occasion and the outfit doesn’t get a second outing. Buy something classic rather than something trendy so you will have more opportunities to wear it.

Don’t buy something that doesn’t fit. Nothing looks more awkward or inappropriate than ill-fitting clothes. It feels uncomfortable too! Just because it’s on sale and it’s branded doesn’t mean it should be in your closet. Buy smart and buy for your own comfort.

Author: Mariam Simmons

Mariam Simmons is a Marketing Specialist in Alpine Swiss and fashion enthusiast with a love for writing. She loves travelling to the world’s top stylish destinations and gets inspired to create helpful fashion and lifestyle guides.